Alumni Update June 24 – 30, 2024

Alumni Update June 24 – 30, 2024

Tipon USA gathers alumni chapters in the US and Canada

Twenty Silliman alumni chapters across the United States (US) and Canada with guests from the Philippines including Silliman University (SU) leadership, converged in Atlanta, Georgia last June 21 – 23, 2024 for the alumni gathering, Tipon USA.

A biennial gathering of alumni across the US and Canada, the event was held at Stone Mountain Resort in Atlanta, Georgia. It was spearheaded by the Silliman University Alumni Council of North America (SUACONA) and was hosted by Sillimanians and Friends of Georgia, headed by its chapter president, Dr. Romeo R. Moriles.

The three-day gathering included a Welcome Dinner and Dance-Talent Night, a two-session SUACONA General Assembly, a Memorial Service in remembrance of alumni that have passed away, a SUACONA Business Meeting, a Stone Mountain trip, and the most attended event, the Gala Night.

Silliman University President, Dr. Betty Cernol McCann and SU Board of Trustees Chair, Ricardo A. Balbido Jr. were the invited guest speakers.

Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee (OSA) Dr. Al Fuertes conducted a workshop on forgiveness, which the participants deemed inspiring and transformative.

Rev. Rose Marie Calderon-Khan led the Sunday Service, reminding the attendees of their unique Sillimanian DNA. Her message inspired the strengthening of Sillimanians’ shared identity and values.

Incoming SUACONA president, Jonathan Mari “Jojo” Antonio, expressed his “gratitude and thanks to Monina Bartoces and Romy Moriles, for their exemplary leadership in rallying chapter members as President/Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee and Co-Chair of SUACONA Tipon, respectively.”

“Your dedication and commitment have left a lasting impact on us all. Congratulations to Sillimanians and Friends of Georgia for being such splendid hosts this year. The event was filled with memorable moments and unforgettable experiences,” he added.

The new SUACONA officers are Jonathan Mari “Jojo” Antonio, Chair; Estrella Cayaba Mercurio , Vice Chair; Moninia Bartoces,  Secretary; Juliet Cruz, Treasurer; Dr. Ma. Louella Dolar, Auditor; and Jean Ramoga Dado, PIO.

Tipon 2026 will be in Chicago and will be hosted by SAI Chicago Chapter.

SUACONA Chair, Jonathan Mari “Jojo” T. Antonio (seated, center-front), with Tipon attendees.


The Stone Mountain, at the background, is a quartz monzonite dome monadnock, one of the attractions visited by the Tipon Atlanta attendees.


SUACONA General Assembly Meeting Keynote Speaker, Dr. Betty Cernol McCann.


Silliman University (SU) Board of Trustees Chair, Mr. Ricardo A. Balbido, Jr. addresses attendees at the SUACONA General Assembly at Tipon Atlanta.


(L-R) Dr. Romeo R. Moriles, co-Chair of SUACONA Tipon, and Jonathan Mari “Jojo” T. Antonio, SUACONA chair.


(L-R) Trustee Evangeline Bravo-Manjares and Engr. Elizabeth Merto Engle, both pillars of SUACONA.


L-R) Didi Boado O’Connor, OSA Elizabeth Merto-Engle, Dr. Betty Cernol McCann and Dr. Rose Mila Anfone Cipres-Jaucian.


(L-R) Dr. Joel A. Gamo, Lady Hope Poculan-Robillos, OSA Myrish Cadapan-Antonio, Jonathan Mari “Jojo” Antonio, Rachel Serion, and Ilona Tuballa.


(L-R) Jonathan Mari Jojo” T. Antonio, Atty. Myrish Cadapan-Antonio, Dr. Joy Contado-Miller, and Ilona Tuballa.


The Tipon Choral, directed by Lorna U. Singer, continues to inspire with beautiful music at Tipon events and bring together Sillimanians through music and worship.


(L-R) Dr. Betty Cernol McCann, Rev. Dr. Al Fuertes, and Crystlyne Faith Gayo Warf.


(L-R) Crystlyne Faith Gayo Warf, Dr. Evangeline Bravo-Manjares, Dr. Betty Cernol McCann, Dr. Dennis
McCann, Dr. Louella Dolar, and Erwinia Solis-Duran.