Alumni Update September 14 – 20, 2020
Melbourne Alumni Chapter Donates Computers for Working Students
A virtual Turnover and Blessing of three desktop computers donation by the Silliman University Alumni Association Melbourne Chapter was held last September 14, 2020 at the Oriental Hall Student Center.
The virtual presence of the Melbourne Alumni Chapter was led by their Chapter President, Van Vincent Casipong. The donation of three sets of computers was formally accepted by Silliman University Vice President for Development, Prof. Jane Annette L. Belarmino in the presence of Dr. Edna Gladys T. Calingacion, Dean of Students; Mr. Abe P. Cadeliña, Head of Student Organizations and Activities Division; Dr. Jaruvic C. Rafols, Head of Guidance and Testing; Mr. Princeton E. Apura; and Mr. Ruben N. Bokingo, Director for Alumni and External Affairs. Rev. Wella Hoyle-De Rosas, Minister for Student and Campus Chaplaincy, officiated the blessing.
This timely donation will support the needs of working students in order to meet the requirements for their online classes. Working students under the Expanded Work-Study Grant Program and Student Assistantship Program will benefit from this donation.
The Expanded Work-Study Grant Program is a Special 6-Year Work-Study Program of Silliman that provides alternative educational support to incoming freshmen who are academically deserving but financially challenged to get a Silliman education. The scholar is required to render 4 hours of work (student assistantship)/day and attend classes for the rest of the day. During the 6th and final year, the scholar is allowed to study full-time to be able to focus on the OJT/practicum and other requirements of the course needed for graduation.
Melbourne Alumni Chapter President Van Vincent Casipong expressed his gratitude to Mr. Cadeliña for informing their alumni chapter of the working students’ need brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic. Mr. Casipong said, “It is time to give back, as for where we are now and what we have accomplished we owe it to our alma mater.”

The blessing officiated by Rev. Wella Hoyle-De Rosas.
Mr. Casipong would like to thank the Melbourne Alumni Chapter for their outpouring support to this donation project. The following chapter members who gave generously are the following: Vince and Liza Fresnido, Van and Mae Casipong, Dave and Cecille Dizon, Mclaine Calunsag, Harold and Liway Vidal, Richard and Josie Bonifacio, Albert and Linlin Nuique, Leonora McDonald, Dominic, and Chiara Demandante, Marisa Cauchi, Arlyne Aguila, Ben, and Naizell Custodio, and Norma Teves Engel.

Mr. Van Vincent Casipong, president of the Silliman University Alumni Association Melbourne Chapter joins the turnover and blessing ceremony virtually.

One of the three desktop computers donated by SUAA Melbourne Chapter.