Alumni Updates (January 11-17)

Alumni Updates (January 11-17)

The Alumni and External Affairs office this week had visitors coming from our alumni chapters abroad who also had the chance to tour around the campus.

Anabelle Patagoc-Robles (Med Tech ’93) of the Japan Alumni Chapter dropped by the Alumni Affairs office last January 8, 2016. Anabelle, who is the chapter secretary, informed us about the vibrant alumni group that they have in Japan. She opens her home and hosts alumni gatherings.


On the same day, Helen Valencia-Silvia (B.S.Ed. ’67), Alaska Alumni Chapter president, was also on campus. She succeeded Betsy Merto Engle as chapter president.



Ryan L. Kho (BBA Mgt ’96), a member of the Board of Directors of the Ireland-Northern Ireland Alumni Chapter, personally extended the chapter invitation to the 2nd EUROFLOCK 2016 happening September 30 – October 2, 2016 in Dublin, Ireland. The 1st EUROFLOCK that

brought together Sillimanians in Europe to celebrate Founders Day was held in Berlin, Germany in 2014. After its success, the organizers were inspired to turn this alumni gathering into a biennial event. EUROFLOCK is also supported by three other alumni chapters: SUAA-GABS




(Europe), SUAA-United Kingdom and SUAA-Norway.

The Ireland-Northern Ireland Alumni Chapter officers for 2016 are: Jahaziel Macias Abarado (president), Maria Sherree Suarez-Caldamo (vice president), Suzi Ybañez Mutnane (secretary), Shriegley Mae Delegero-Dy (treasurer), Jesslyn Fietje and Genevieve Marum (public relation officers), and Eunice Gonzales Stewart (social and event committee chairperson). Together with Ryan in the board of directors are Bernadette Lagura, Ardianeta Abarado and Erah Retana Roche. Noel Abique Jereza is chapter adviser.

For details on the upcoming EUROFLOCK,