
Alumni Updates (October 2-8)

Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee in the field of Legal Education Dr. Rolando Del Carmen was recently recognized for his generous contribution to Sam Houston State University (SHSU) in Huntsville, Texas. Dr. Del Carmen has been generously contributing towards the scholarship programs of SHSU, where he started teaching in 1974. He has since then donated around $300,000 […]


Alumni Updates (September 25-October 1)

The Silliman University High School Class of 1967 who just celebrated their 50th during the Founders Day last August recently launched their web address: suhs-class1967.org. The new web address is primarily intended for batch mates, in order that they continue to keep in touch with one another and reach out to those who have not […]


Alumni Updates (September 18-24)

The Silliman University Acacia Alumni Chapter, which includes Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania, celebrated Silliman’s 116th Founders Day in a get-together last September 9, 2017 at the residence of Rev. Joe and Bennie Malayang in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Some 16 alumni and friends were in attendance. A “Happy 116th Birthday to Silliman” cake […]


Alumni Updates (September 11-17)

Silliman President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III inducted the newly elected officers of the Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. (SAAI) during the Alumni and Community Fellowship Night’s Tipon Dumaguete,  held evening of August 28, 2017 at the West Quadrangle. The newly elected SAAI officers are: Dr. Hilario Abel B. Gomez (president), Roberto D. Montebon (vice president), […]


Alumni Updates August 14 – 20, 2017

This year, Silliman University honors on August 28, 2017 two of its alumni with the prestigious Outstanding Sillimanian Award. They are Ms. Cynthia Arnaldo-Bonta for Community Service and Dr. Myrna Sillero-Mahinay for Chemistry. Cynthia Arnaldo-Bonta came to Silliman in the early 1950’s when her father was invited to join the then Department of Agriculture and […]


Alumni Updates August 7 – 13, 2017

Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee and Philippine National Scientist Dr. Angel C. Alcala (center), receives the Asean Biodiversity Heroes award, the first such recognition given by the Asean Centre of Biodiversity (ACB) to 10 Asean winners at ceremonies held at the New World Manila Bay hotel in Manila on August 7, 2017. With Dr. Alcala are Philippine […]


Alumni Updates July 31 – August 6, 2017

Boston-based alumni of the Silliman Association of New England (SANE) had a lunch meeting last July 28, 2017 with staff of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) and UBCHEA fellow Brigitte Villardon, associate dean of Arts and Sciences at Silliman University. The summer program of the 2017 United Board fellows was […]


Alumni Updates July 24 – 30, 2017

In celebration of their 50th year, the Silliman University Pre-Med Class of 1967, through Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee (OSA) Dr. Enrico C. Sobong, is contributing USD5,000 for Silliman’s Molecular Biology Laboratory (MBL). The Pre-Med Class of 1967 will celebrate their Golden anniversary during Silliman’s 115th Founders Day, August 20-29, 2017. Dr. Robert S. Guinoo II, chair […]


Alumni Updates July 17 – 23, 2017

Silliman alumnus and Medical Internist, Dr. Carmen Estacion Spinney has been welcomed by the International Association of HealthCare Professionals to their prestigious organization with her upcoming publication in The Leading Physicians of the World. Dr. Spinney, now retirned, has a career spanning 41 years. Her specialization is in pulmonary medicine, acute care, geriatric care and […]


Alumni Updates July 10-16

The 5th General Assembly meeting of the Silliman University Association of Alumni & Friends in Europe (SUAAFE-GABS), which is composed alumni based in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg and Switzerland, was held last July 7, 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany. Hats off to the hardworking hosts headed by Julien Meier for making sure fellow members could […]