
Alumni Update Letter February 2014

Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of February was declared National Arts Month, and the Silliman University Cultural Affairs Committee scheduled a number of activities for its celebration. Lectures, art exhibits, poetry reading, a musical competition, stage plays and a dance performance by Ballet Philippines were among the highlights of the whole month celebration. […]


Alumni Letter January 2014

Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: January came with the Siberian cold winds blowing in which gave everyone the chance to pull out their sweaters and jackets. It was a great respite from a warm December. The Siberian winds have slowed down but we still have cooler evenings. The University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM) kicked […]


Alumni Letter December 2013

Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of December makes us pause and smile as we remind ourselves that it is a time for celebration.  Whatever situation we are in, whether we are in our valleys or mountain tops, we continue to thank God and celebrate for all the goodness He has graced us with. […]


Alumni Letter November 2013

Dear fellow Sillimanians and friends: The month of November brought together as one the Silliman community to respond to the need of helping both the Yolanda typhoon victims and the Bohol earthquake victims. Silliman University and the SU Church pulled together their resources in mounting a relief campaign. The response was overwhelming. Within the last […]


Alumni Letter October 2013

Dear fellow Sillimanians and friends: The month of October was highlighted by SU Church as Mission Month.  The first Sunday of October was celebrated as World Communion Sunday, a traditional time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup to remember and affirm Christ as the Head of the Church. This gives […]


Alumni Letter September 2013

DEAR FELLOW SILLIMANIANS AND FRIENDS: The month of September found the whole Silliman community in deep prayer. Silliman University Church in partnership with the Silliman University Student Government, spearheaded a prayer gathering at the SU Church last September 11. The prayers focused on the concern for our country leaders, the Zamboanga crisis and the Syrian […]


Alumni Letter August 2013

  DEAR FELLOW SILLIMANIANS AND FRIENDS: The 112th Founders Day celebration is still fresh in our memory, and that we made it through from the preparations to the actual implementation of the planned activities awes us. As we lift up Christ in thanksgiving for a safe and well-attended TIPON International we are reminded that He […]


Alumni Letter July 2013

    Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of July started off as Silliman University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM). In the past years it was a whole week of activities. This time it has been spread out to run through the whole month. The change to a monthly from a one-week celebration is […]


Alumni Letter June 2013

Dear Fellow Sillimanian: June is the month of beginnings, and Dumaguete is abuzz once again with 9,349 students enrolled at Silliman University.  The University activities for the students have ranged from convocations to weekend live bands and from Sunday afternoon praise and worship services to Meet You At The Pole prayer sessions. GOVERNANCE It is […]


Alumni Letter May 2013

Dear Fellow Sillimanian: The Silliman University National Writers Workshop, the oldest creative writing workshop in Asia,  turned 52 last month.  The workshop is held for three weeks every May, with new set of guest panelists every week who instruct and interact with the writing Fellows. A loyal alumnus of the Workshop, Krip Yuson of The […]