ANNOUNCEMENT: School of Basic Education Updates on Schedule of Classes for 2nd Sem, S.Y. 2021-2022
The Early Childhood School, Elementary School, and Junior High School (JHS) will continue to observe the schedule stated in their respective school calendars and continue with scheduled synchronous sessions.
To accommodate the needs of students who are adversely affected by typhoon Odette, the following interventions and modifications are implemented:
- For the Elementary School: The Performance Task (PT) deadline is moved to the last week of January or until such time that internet connectivity is available.
- For JHS: The PT deadline is moved to January 21, 2022. An alternative PT requirement for Odette-affected students who are unable to submit on the deadline due to online connectivity concerns will also be provided.
The Senior High School will observe the following schedule:
Important Dates | Event/Activity | Details |
Jan 18 to Feb 4 | Enrollment/online registration | View SUSHS enrollment procedure at https://www.facebook.com/SillimanUniversity/posts/7317144848299402 |
Feb 2 (Wed),
9 AM |
Grade 11 Parents’ Orientation | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81654370245?pwd=WjE1WFNGVmNRNGdGMjcvclRkNWdqZz09
Meeting ID: 816 5437 0245 |
Feb 2 (Wed), 2 PM | Grade 12 Parents’ Orientation | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88443299908?pwd=cXBxbkVNZDZyMmlKMFFDT2ZYY0RUdz09
Meeting ID: 884 4329 9908
Feb 3 (Thurs),
9 AM |
Grade 11 Students’ Orientation | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82194709316?pwd=SDdJUUxCaUVnWmhWckxxWk01S1BhQT09 Meeting ID: 821 9470 9316 Passcode: 381368 |
Feb 3 (Thurs),
2 PM |
G12 Students’ Orientation | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83911789112?pwd=a0J3eHRyVWtkYmtyaXZhcUVEdFFuUT09
Meeting ID: 839 1178 9112 |
February 4 (Fri) | Class advisers’ meeting with advisory class | Visit your Virtual Classrooms for details. |
February 7 (Mon) | Start of classes | Visit your Virtual Classrooms for details. |