Calling all interested parties who want to be an accredited supplier/printer for PORTAL 2018, please submit the following requirements:
Calling all interested parties who want to be an accredited supplier/printer for PORTAL 2018, please submit the following requirements:
The documents for pre-qualification are as follows:
- Accreditation Application Form
- SEC Registration (for Corporations and Partnership); DTI (for Single Proprietorship)
- SPA – for signatories who signs on behalf of the proprietor, partnership and corporation with corresponding excerpt of the Board Resolution in cases of Corporation.
- BIR Certificate of Registration (Form 2303)
- Mayor’s Business Permit
- Organizational Chart
- Latest Audited Financial Statements or equivalent
- List of Clients for the past 3 years
- List of Banks with whom your company has transaction with
- Photograph of business establishment
- Latest health/sanitation permits (for food suppliers)
- Latest income tax return
- Proof of being a Manufacturer-Authorized/Recognized/Exclusive Reseller or Distributor (for suppliers claiming to be manufacturer-authorized/recognized/exclusive resellers/distributors of particular goods/products)
- Such other documents that the University may require
Additional documents for service contractors:
- DOLE Certificate of Registration in compliance with Department Order No. 18-A Series of 2011.
Additional documents for Insurance Services: - Certificate of Authority from the Insurance Commission, Department of Finance. (For broker only)
The Committee shall meet at least once a year. However, if an item or service is to be purchased and no accredited supplier/contractor is on record or when there is a
proposal of a new product from a supplier but the company is not accredited yet, the Committee may meet to study its qualification for possible accreditation.
The Committee is encouraged to read Article IX – Procurement Manual of the University Manual (2014-2015 edition).
Guidelines for Accreditation of Suppliers and Contractors
- Persons and entities desiring to supply goods and services to Silliman University are required to obtain and accomplish a Supplier/Contractor Accreditation Form and submit the same to the Business and Finance Office for approval by the University.
- Only persons or entities who are duly accredited can supply goods and services to the University.
- The University reserves the right to cancel the accreditation of a supplier for violation of University rules and policies.
- For the period that a supplier/contractor is duly accredited with the University, it must submit yearly to the Business and Finance Office certified copies of its government licenses and permits to do business. Failure to do so is a ground to cancel the accreditation of a supplier.
- The Business and Finance Office shall monitor suppliers/contractors on the following criteria:
a. Quality of goods
b. Quality of service
c. Prompt delivery of goods and services
d. CostComplementing the foregoing criteria, consistent with good corporate governance, to ensure that human services are lawfully availed of and goods are legitimately sourced and can be properly and promptly serviced, suppliers who meet the following requirements shall be preferred in the issuance of purchase orders or award of contracts, as may be applicable:a. For service contractors: Posses the appropriate Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Certifications including D.O. 18-A.
b. For suppliers of foodstuff: Compliant with government regulations as evidenced by Health, Sanitation and other permits;
c. For suppliers of goods: Is a manufacturer-authorized/recognized reseller;
d. For suppliers of goods: Goods supplied are covered by existing official manufacturer’s warranties;
e. For suppliers of goods: Maintains a manufacturer-authorized/recognized local service center for servicing of warrantied goods.
f. For supplier of insurance services: Possess a Certificate of Authority from the Insurance Commission, Department of Finance. - The following are grounds for the cancellation of the accreditation of a supplier and removal from the List of Accredited Suppliers/Contractors:
a. Failure of the supplier to meet and maintain accreditation criteria;
b. Unjustified failure by supplier to deliver goods or services;
c. Unjustified and regular failure of the supplier to meet agreed delivery dates;
d. Unjustified increases in price;
e. Decline in the quality of products and/or services;
f. Repeated failure by supplier to meet agreed specifications of goods or services;
g. Unprincipled actions by the supplier in business transactions, whether or not it involves the University;
h. Litigation between the University and the supplier;
i. Failure of supplier to cooperate with the University on matters of mutual concern. - University personnel may contact suppliers or contractors for the purpose of knowing more about a needed product or service. However, the University shall take no responsibility for any commitment made. Any financial obligations arising therefrom shall be solely for the account of the employee concerned.
- Gifts by suppliers/contractors to University officials and personnel at any time of the year are unnecessary and unacceptable, and will not improve the business relationship. The University appreciates the sentiment behind such offerings but prefers that the support of the supplier/contractor come by way of quality products and services and price discounts. Suppliers/Contractors who insist on being generous to the University are welcome to address their gifts or inquiries about donations to the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Office of the Vice President for Development. As a matter of principle, gifts and donations shall have no bearing on the accreditation of a supplier or the nature, volume, or terms of its business with the University.
- No employee of Silliman University has the authority to make any purchase commitment, place an order with a supplier, or enter into any contract or agreement except with the authority of the University President, the Vice-President for Finance and Administration and the University Treasurer. Goods and services should not be delivered or undertaken without an official purchase order or contract.
- The University shall only pay for purchases made when all items listed on the Purchase Order have been delivered and accepted as satisfactory by the department concerned. Payments for services based on contracts shall be governed by the terms and conditions found therein.
- Quotations are assumed to be VAT-inclusive unless specified otherwise.
Download Accreditation of Suppliers and Contractors Form
Deadline of submission: May 19, 2017