CAS assoc dean presents paper in int’l conference
Dr. Alana Leilani C. Narciso, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, presented her paper at the 70th International Conference of the English and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK) held at the National Seoul University on December 12-14, 2024.
Among the featured presentations for Session 17: Culture and Society in the Global South,
her paper, “Contact Zones, Discursive Spaces: The Case of the Silliman University National
Writers Workshop,” examined the workshop space and critiqued the actual workshop discussions in the years 2019 and 2021.
With the theme, “Rethinking the Global in English Studies,” the conference brought together scholars and academics in literature, cultural studies, and English language, along with select graduate students, from countries including Korea, the United States, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Australia, India, Canada, Israel, the Philippines, and Hawaii. Participants engaged in a vibrant discursive dialogue on the evolving significance of literary, cultural, translation, and film studies in the context of globalism and globalization.
The conference featured over 100 presentations spread over 68 sessions/panels.
Founded in October 1954, ELLAK is an academic organization with a membership of over 2,000 individuals specializing in English linguistics, English education, English and American literature and culture, and other English-language literatures. More than 80% of its members hold doctoral degrees from international institutions, alongside those from Korean universities, and are actively teaching at colleges and universities across Korea. ELLAK members are dedicated to ongoing research and participate in diverse cultural and social activities, both within and beyond their areas of expertise.

Dr. Alana Leilani C. Narciso poses with fellow presenter James Hodapp of Northwestern University in Qatar and Session moderator
Jaecheol Kim of Yonsei University, Korea.