Alumni Update Letter July 2014
DEAR FELLOW SILLIMANIANS AND FRIENDS: July, being University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM), kicked off with the theme: “In Christ Alone,” reinforcing the foundation upon which Silliman education is rooted. The whole month celebration drew wisdom from Acts 4:11-12: “Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in […]
Alumni Update Letter June 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of June reminds us that school is here again, and the challenge that comes with it is part of the game they call student life. To start off the school year on the right tone, we share with you this poem on beginnings by an anonymous writer. Whether […]
Alumni Update Letter May 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians & Friends: It has been a couple of days now since classes started at Silliman University and the fun and excitement of the first few days have started to fizzle out. But, the way things are unfolding isn’t that bad for the over 9,000 students. There is free WiFi and the 300 […]
Alumni Update Letter April 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of April gave us time to reflect and observe the Lenten Season. Lent offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. In our busy world, Lent provides us […]
Alumni Update Letter March 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of March was a time to celebrate and be grateful, as parents beamed with pride seeing their children graduate. The heavy downpour did not dampen the jubilation felt in the air at the Gymnasium for the Commencement exercises. We at the sidelines felt nostalgic remembering how it was […]
Alumni Update Letter February 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of February was declared National Arts Month, and the Silliman University Cultural Affairs Committee scheduled a number of activities for its celebration. Lectures, art exhibits, poetry reading, a musical competition, stage plays and a dance performance by Ballet Philippines were among the highlights of the whole month celebration. […]
Alumni Letter January 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: January came with the Siberian cold winds blowing in which gave everyone the chance to pull out their sweaters and jackets. It was a great respite from a warm December. The Siberian winds have slowed down but we still have cooler evenings. The University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM) kicked […]
Alumni Letter December 2013
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of December makes us pause and smile as we remind ourselves that it is a time for celebration. Whatever situation we are in, whether we are in our valleys or mountain tops, we continue to thank God and celebrate for all the goodness He has graced us with. […]
Alumni Letter November 2013
Dear fellow Sillimanians and friends: The month of November brought together as one the Silliman community to respond to the need of helping both the Yolanda typhoon victims and the Bohol earthquake victims. Silliman University and the SU Church pulled together their resources in mounting a relief campaign. The response was overwhelming. Within the last […]
Alumni Letter October 2013
Dear fellow Sillimanians and friends: The month of October was highlighted by SU Church as Mission Month. The first Sunday of October was celebrated as World Communion Sunday, a traditional time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup to remember and affirm Christ as the Head of the Church. This gives […]