Raised to Life
By Rev. Bernadette A. Morales Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 15:12-14But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has […]
From Jerusalem to Emmaus
From Jerusalem to EmmausBy Rev. Dr. Noriel C. Capulong Scripture Text: Luke 24:10-35Let’s continue reflecting on this central event of the resurrection of Jesus and the stories that developed around this core incident. Based on all the four gospels, it is clear, the credit goes to the women as the first to discover the fact […]
Resurrection Faith! An Easter Sermon
Resurrection Faith! An Easter Sermon by Rev. Dr. Noriel C. CapulongDelivered during the Easter Sunday Worship, April 16, 2017 at Silliman University Church Scripture Text: Mathew 28:1-15; Luke 24:10-11; John 20:18, 27-29. Good morning! We are here to celebrate the most defining truth claim of the whole Christian faith. That today, we celebrate and proclaim the fact that […]
VIA, VERITAS, VITA — now, always and forever
Speech delivered by Mr. Winston A. Maxino during the SU Junior High School Dedication and Moving Up Ceremony at Luce Auditorium, Silliman University, Dumaguete City on March 31, 2017. Silliman University President Ben S. Malayang III, Vice President for Academic Affairs Betsy Joy B. Tan, Vice President for Finance and Administration Fe Marie D. Tagle, […]
Timing is everything
Timing is everythingby Rev. Dr. Noriel C. CapulongDelivered during the Board of Trustees Devotion on March 18, 2017 at the University Board Room Scripture Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Good afternoon, honorable members of the BOT. Our text today from the book of Ecclesiastes leads us to reflect well on the value and meaning of time and […]
The Christ-like Silliman Graduate
The Christ-like Silliman Graduateby Dr. Jeaneth Harris-FallerDelievered during the Baccalaureate Service on March 19, 2017 at the Silliman University Church Scripture Text: Luke 2:52, John 14:6 Members of the Board of Trustees, President Ben S. Malayang III, different heads and members of this community of learners, members of Silliman Church, parents, relatives and significant others of our […]
Graduation Message
GRADUATION MESSAGEBy: Ricardo A. Balbido, Jr.Chair, Board of Trustees104th Commencement Speaker || March 19, 2017 Allow me to deviate from the usual greetings protocol. Let me greet first the most important people today, the PARENTS. Thank you Dad, Mom, Papa, Mama, Tatay, Nanay for all your sacrifices to see us through and brave the risks […]
Jesus Went About Doing Good, But…!
Jesus Went About Doing Good, But…!By Rev. Dr. Noriel C. CapulongDelivered during the First Sunday in Lent, March 5, 2017 at SU Church Scripture Texts: Psalm 99:1-4; Mark 3:1-6, 20-30 We are in the first Sunday in the season of Lent, ushering us into a spirit of penitent reflection on the 40 days from Ash […]
Values and Talent
Acceptance speech of National Scientist Edgardo D. Gomez in receiving the degree, D.Sc. honoris causa – from Silliman University 10 Feb. 2017 President Ben Malayang III, National Scientist Angel Alcala, VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Betsy Joy B. Tan, VP for Development, Prof. Jane Annette L. Belarmino, VP for Finance and Administration, Atty. Fe MarieD. […]
Transfiguration: Between Continuity and Discontinuity
Scriptures: Exodus 24: 12-18; Matthew 17:1-9 Our Gospel lectionary text for today, the last Sunday in the period of Epiphany marks the event of the transfiguration of Jesus. This is one very crucial turning point in the mission and ministry of Jesus but which is often ignored or not given the emphasis it deserves in […]