2 Shikoku Gakuin University Profs Visit Silliman for Students’ Intensive English Program
Two professors from Shikoku Gakuin University (SGU) in Japan were on campus for the short-term Intensive English Program (IntEP) that the second batch of 15 students from SGU was enrolled in last month. Prof. Kazuhito Hashimoto, International Office Director, and Prof. Kayo Nakazawa, student adviser, arrived around the same time the three-week IntEP program was […]
32 Pass Mechanical Engineer Licensure Exam
Silliman University produced 32 new licensed mechanical engineers, following the board examinations administered September 28 and 29. The University registered a passing percentage of 90.63 per cent for first-time takers, and 88.89 per cent including re-takers – higher than the national passing rate of 68.99 per cent. Congratulations to our new licensed mechanical engineers! Amiscaray, […]
SULAW Joins Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law
The College of Law faces off with 16 other law schools in the Philippines in the 2017 National Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) conducted October to 6 at two venues in Manila. Forming the Silliman law debate team this year are Juris Doctor majors Wiem Marie Bonganciso and James Shemron Corro, with […]
Generation of Quality Jobs is Key to Philippine Growth – UP Economics Professor
University of the Philippines economics professor Dr. Ramon L. Clarete highlighted the importance of creating more quality jobs in spurring the country’s growth and development, at a lecture held October 2 at the Guy Hall. Titled “Philippines: Sick Man of Asia No More?” Dr. Clarete discussed the country’s economy, its highs and lows throughout the […]
Grad Ranks 8th in Librarian Board Exam; Silliman Hits 100%
A fresh graduate from the Library Information Science program clinched the eight spot in the recent Library Board Exam. Sandra Claire Panotes Dupio joins this year’s topnotchers. She leads the batch of board exam takers from Silliman this year that all made it. They are: Alos, Peter Dicen Ayunting, Gie Ann Radones Baldos, Unelyn Gerasol […]
Alumni Updates (September 25-October 1)
The Silliman University High School Class of 1967 who just celebrated their 50th during the Founders Day last August recently launched their web address: suhs-class1967.org. The new web address is primarily intended for batch mates, in order that they continue to keep in touch with one another and reach out to those who have not […]
Tropical Biological Oceanography Offering Firming Up with Visit of Newcastle University Profs
The Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS) hosted Dr. Nicholas Polunin and Dr. Benjamin Wigham of Newcastle University, one of England’s notable universities. Both were on campus to discuss with their counterparts from IEMS, headed by Director Dr. Hilconida P. Calumpong, the joint research and graduate curriculum offering in tropical biological oceanography. This academic […]
Mentoring in Open Gov’t Data Pushed by ICT experts
Lack of access or slow connection to the Internet is just one of the reasons why Philippine civil society organizations (CSOs) have not taken advantage of open government data. Many of them are not even aware that open data exist; or if they do, they lack the ability to read, select, interpret, and build narratives […]
Silliman Registers 100% in Physician Licensure Exam
Silliman University garnered a perfect passing rate in the September 2017 Physician Licensure Examination. It produced 41 new licensed physicians. Congratulations to our new Sillimanian licensed physicians! Abrasaldo, Kristine Mae Tiago Alpeche, Leandro Amante, Jonathan III Kadusale Amba, Anne Joy Caballero Arao, Jorielle Deigh Del Carmen Bagang, Cristian Louie Paquibot Baldebrin, Blaize Marc Baylon Bandoy, […]
Dr. Alcala, Dr. Calumpong Attend Meeting on Collaborative Research with Philippine Navy
National Scientist and Professor Emeritus Dr. Angel C. Alcala and Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences Director Dr. Hilconida P. Calumpong were two of the scientists invited to an exploratory meeting with the Philippine Navy on September 15. The meeting explored collaboration between the Philippine Navy and the country’s foremost marine biologists and researchers in […]