Alumni Updates (January 2 – 8, 2017)
Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee for Performing Arts, Miguel C. Braganza…
Extension Program Holds Christmas Fellowship at Talay Mental Rehab
The Silliman University Extension…
Economics Senior to Attend Forum at Harvard
Senior Economics student Genin Raya V. Amiscaray got accepted to the 2017 Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) Conference, which will be held on February 17 to 20 at Harvard University. HPAIR is an internationally-recognized student-run organization at Harvard, offering a forum of exchange to facilitate discussion of the most important economic, […]
Mass Com Junior Qualifies for Ayala Young Leaders Congress
Junior Mass Communication student Renz Macion is one of 80 selected student leaders all over the country to participate in the Ayala Young Leaders Congress (AYLC) on February 7 to 10. The AYLC, now entering its 19th year, is an annual leadership summit which aims to help the 80 participants learn from the leadership […]
2 Sillimanians Join YSEALI Fellowship
Senior Mass Communication student Val Amiel Vestil and Education alumnus Hanz Denzil Villahermosa got accepted as Spring 2017 academic fellows of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI). YSEALI was launched by President Barack Obama in 2013 to enhance the United States’ relations with future leaders of Southeast Asia and foster an ASEAN community. The […]
University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM) Schedule of Activities
January marks the University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM) for the 2nd semester of S.Y. 2016-2017, with the theme: “Growing in the Way of Christ”. Here is this month’s schedule of activties:
COPVA Welcomes New Fine Arts Department Chair
The College of Performing and Visual Arts – Fine Arts Department welcomes the new year with its new Department Chair, Erma Eugenia Lacorte Capucion. Capucion, more known as “Irma Lacorte” is a long-time artist and art educator. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Santo Tomas in 1986 and […]
New Year’s Message of the Chair, Board of Trustees
Happy New Year to all dear Sillimanians! May God continue to treat our lives with compassion and understanding for our weaknesses and to strengthen further our resolve for the pursuit of what is right over wrong, with passion and proclamation. Mr. Ricardo A. Balbido, Jr.ChairSilliman University Board of Trustees
New Year’s Message of the President
We are about to begin another Lord’s Year of our lives and in the life of our University. We do so aware of the challenges ahead, the uncertainties in our economy, politics, and educational reforms of the country, and yet also aware of the opportunities offered by new leaderships emerging in our horizon, the continuing […]
Christmas Message from the President
In this season of joy and celebration, and yet too, of sadness and of fear of wars and violence, we remember that it was in the darkest of nights that the Light of the World burst forth in Glory; that it was when there was no room in the inn that God comes to be […]