

Sillimanians Win Palanca Awards

Newly appointed Director-in-Residence for the 56th Silliman University National Writers Workshop (SUNWW) Dr. Jaime An Lim and junior Creative Writing major Michael Aaron Gomez were honored in the 2016 Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature on September 2. Dr. Lim, who obtained his Master of Arts in English, major in Creative Writing in 1974, won […]

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SAITE Produces 46 Grads Under Contact Center Services Program

Forty-six graduated on September 6 from the TESDA-accredited course on Contact Center Services (NC II) Program of the School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education (SAITE). The 18-day program, which started in July, administers comprehensive courses covering workplace communication, computer operations, career professionalism, and customer service delivery. Congratulations to the following: Abonin, Jovelyn V. Acibes, Jobert […]

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Greenpeace urges PH to quit coal

Coal-powered plants pose serious threats to public health and are the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore government should stop, prevent and correct its approval of the construction of 29 new coal-fired power plants and implementation of 39 new coal mine explorations.   This is the recommendation of Greenpeace Southeast Asia, the regional […]

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23 Psych Grads Now Certified Psychometricians

Twenty-three graduates from College of Arts and Sciences’ Psychology Department are now registered psychometricians after passing the licensure examination administered by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) last August. The graduates are among the 3,690 takers who passed the exam given by the PRC’s Board of Psychology in Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, […]

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Search Is On For Next University President

After a thorough and rigid screening process, five Sillimanians are in the final list of candidates for the next University President. A forum will be held on November 7, 2016 (Monday), 9am to 4pm at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium for the Silliman community and other stakeholders to know more about the candidates and […]

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Alumni Updates (September 5-11, 2016)

Silliman University recently received a total of Php 866,000.00 for scholarships from the Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. (SAAI) during its Board meeting last August 25, 2016. In behalf of Silliman University, Dr. Ben S. Malayang III received a check of Php 366,000.00 pesos from SAAI in support of the University’s scholarship program and another check […]

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Call for Manuscripts to the 56th Silliman University National Writers Workshop

The Silliman University National Writers Workshop is now accepting applications for the 56th Silliman University National Writers Workshop to be held from May 8 to 19, 2017 at the SU Rose Lamb Sobrepeña Writers Village and the Silliman University campus. This Writers Workshop is offering ten fellowships to promising writers in the Philippines who want […]

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Ten CED Grads Now Registered Electrical Engineers

Ten graduates from the College of Engineering and Design have passed the Electrical Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) administered this September. The exam was given by the PRC’s Board of Electrical Engineering in eight different cities nationwide: Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, and Lucena. Congratulations to […]

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Int’l Sea Expert: PH is Marine Conservation Model to World

“The [No-Take Marine Reserves] strategy worked in Apo Island, so we know that it can be done,” said National Geographic Emerging Explorer and Oceana Senior Adviser Alexandra Cousteau, adding that if marine conservation can be accomplished in the Philippines, it will set an example to the whole world. Cousteau was invited as speaker during the […]

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Coal Still to Dominate Power Mix in PH

Despite increases in investments in renewable energy, coal is still expected to dominate the power mix in the Philippines in the next one or two decades. Since the enactment of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, new renewable capacities (wind, solar, biomass, and hydro) have significantly increased from 34 MW (2008) to 813 MW (2015). […]

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