Digitization of Ancient ‘Ulahingan’ Epic Completed
After more than 50 years, the precious recordings of the Ulahingan epic have been digitized for posterity and are now in the care of the Robert B. and Metta J. Silliman Library. The epic, which was recorded by the late Divinity School professor Dr. Elena Maquiso in the 1960s, originates from the Arumanen and Livunganen […]
Psychology Major Represents Silliman in ACUCA Student Camp in Indonesia
A Psychology major is among the delegates from the Philippines to the international student camp organized by the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA) on August 22 to 26 in Bandung, Indonesia. Sean A. Caballes, who is active in the Student Government as chairperson of the Religious Life Committee and is an […]
Graduate Programs Dean Receives CHED Award
Graduate Programs Dean Dr. Enrique G. Oracion was among 11 recipients of the REPUBLICA (Research and Publications) qualifiers award under the humanities, social sciences, teacher education and business category from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). He received the qualifier award on July 26 from CHED Commissioner Dr. Patricia Licuanan. The winner of the REPUBLICA […]
2 Professors Read Papers on Disasters at Kyoto University
Two professors from Silliman University were among 20 researchers from four countries that presented results of their respective studies related to disasters, at an international workshop organized July 21 to 23 by the Center for Integrated Area Studies of Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan. University Graduate Programs Dean Dr. Enrique G. Oracion and Assoc. Prof. […]
Sillimanian Among Country’s New Diplomats; Makes Record in Foreign Service Exam
An alumna is among the country’s newest diplomats of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Ms Stacy Danika S. Alcantara, who graduated from Silliman University with the degree of Bachelor of Mass Communication (summa cum laude) in 2009, completed the six-month Foreign Service Officers Cadetship Course (FSOCC), which started last January. More than finishing the […]
5th Grader Wins Gold in International Math Tilt in Bangkok
A student from the Elementary School bagged gold at the International Math Wizard Challenge held July 21 in Bangkok, Thailand. Fifth grader Carlos Miguel Angelo S. Salazar bested other math enthusiasts and students from around the globe in a series of math challenges. He was selected last month by the Mathematics Development Society of the Philippines […]
Alumni Updates (July 25-31)
The human resource team of SYKES Asia, Inc., headed by site human resource manager Mae Blanco, visited the Placement Desk at the Office of Alumni and External Affairs recently to express interest to recruit Silliman graduates. SYKES Asia, Inc. is one of the leading providers of end-to-end customer care management solutions. Mae said a good […]
Student Organizations Commit Against Hazing
Around 150 students from different fraternities and sororities in the University vowed to guard their respective organizations against hazing, in a forum held July 25 graced by a father whose son died after going through violent initiation rites. “We have to make hazing stop because it is the devil who feeds this tradition into our […]
Ninth Grader is Quarterfinalist in International Archery in Russia
A ninth grader from Junior High School advanced to the quarterfinals of the 6th Child of Asia International Sports Competition held early this month in Yakutsk, Russia. Nicole Marie D. Tagle was one of only two who represented the Philippines in the international archery tournament which had around 25 young archers from 20 countries around […]
Student Leaders Join Ombudsman Initiative Against Corruption
Over 200 young leaders gathered at the Silliman Hall last July 18 to take part in an anti-corruption initiative spearheaded by the Office of the Ombudsman (OMB). Officials from various student organizations in Silliman and neighboring institution Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) attended the orientation to be accredited as Campus Integrity Crusaders of the OMB. […]