Extension, Research Heads Lead Service-Learning Workshop in Indonesia
Extension Director Asst. Prof. Emervencia L. Ligutom and Research Director Enrique G. Oracion administered a service-learning workshop on April 14 to 15 at Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU) in Salatiga, Indonesia. The workshop involved 45 teachers of SWCU coming from different disciplines: literature and language, biology, tourism, business, and engineering. Among the topics in the […]
Alumni Updates (April 24 – May 1)
The children of the late Outstanding Sillimanian Justice Segundino G. Chua received the Outstanding Sillimanian Award (OSA) medallion for their father in a Ceremony of Sacred Trust held April 22 in Bacolod City. Mr. Clarence Chua and Dr. Noel Chua both received the specially designed medallion for all OSA recipients from Silliman University Board of […]
31 Faculty from Samar Undergo Research, IT Ed Enhancement Training in Silliman
The Research and Development Center conducted April 18 to 20 a seminar-workshop on research process and publications in scholarly journals to administrators and faculty of Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU) in Calbayog City. Held in Silliman, the seminar-workshop had 31 participants from various disciplines: information technology (IT), business and management, agriculture, engineering and technology, sciences, […]
Theology Schools Discuss Pluralism in Asia at 4th Biennial Assembly
Theology schools comprising the Samahan ng Teolohikal na Edukasyon ng Pilipinas (STEP) converged in Silliman University for its 4th Biennial Assembly held April 20 to 22. Centered on the theme “Teaching for a Racially and Culturally Diverse World”, the gathering provided a venue for seminary mentors to discuss the current state of teaching theology in […]
Two Fresh Grads Receive BPI-DOST Science Award
Two fresh graduates are among the recipients of the prestigious Bank of the Philippine Islands-Department of Science and Technology (BPI-DOST) Science Awards. Wilfredo T. Mata, Jr. (Physics) and Josue T. Santos (Mechanical Engineering) joined 28 other outstanding young scientists from other universities around the country in an awarding ceremony last April 5 at the Mind […]
Digitization of Rare, Historical Materials Now on its 5th Year
The Silliman University Library System, with the Robert B. and Metta J. Silliman Library as its main base, is now on its fifth year of digitizing its rich collection of reading materials, a good number of them are rare and historical finds excusive only to Silliman. Its digitization project, which is a significant component of […]
Camp Benefits Street Children, Infuses Character-Building into Art
Around 50 street children and kids from financially challenged families went through a summer camp that used the arts in enhancing their creativity and building a better sense of self and community, on April 11 to 14 on the Silliman campus. An initiative under the Silliman University Child Network (ChildNet) project of the Cultural Affairs […]
CHED Grants Anew Full Autonomous Status to Silliman
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has renewed the distinction of Full Autonomous Status granted to Silliman University. Enjoyed by only a select number of universities in the Philippines, the highest institutional distinction of Full Autonomous Status empowers universities to develop and offer academic programs without going through the standard approval process of CHED. It […]
Silliman Spearheads Nat’l Arts Training for Senior High Teachers
Silliman University is at the forefront of a national training for teachers involved in the cultural and arts component of the senior high program in their respective schools. The “Sining sa Eskwela” training on April 25 to 29 at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium is designed for public and private senior high teachers handling […]
Education Dean Lectures in Vietnam on Education Reforms, Liberal Arts in ASEAN
Dean of the College of Education Dr. Earl Jude Paul L. Cleope gave a lecture at two prestigious universities in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam on April 8. He delivered a talk on “Education Reform Imperatives in ASEAN Integration” at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam National University in the morning of April […]