

Filipino Scholars Tackle Enduring Relevance of Martin Luther

The Philosophy Department and the Divinity School, in partnership with the International Center for Mission Studies in Asia, hosted the Philippine conference on “500 Years of Reformation: The Enduring Relevance of Martin Luther”. Dr. Christian Hohmann, a scholar and the regional pastor in the Institute for Mission, Ecumenism and Global Responsibility in the Protestant Church […]

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College of Law Cited for Notable Performance in Bar Exams

The Legal Education Board (LEB) awarded Silliman with a Certificate of Academic Recognition on December 2 for commendable performance in the Bar examinations administered in three consecutive years: 2012, 2013 and 2014. College of Law Dean Atty. Mikhail Lee Maxino received the award on behalf Silliman University. Present with him were three members of the Board of […]

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Philippine Ambassador Welcomes Silliman’s Educational Mission in Laos

Her Excellency Belinda M. Ante, Philippine Ambassador to Laos, welcomed Silliman University’s visit to Vientiane as part of its international student recruitment campaign and initiative to expand its linkages in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. The Ambassador expressed support for the plans of the University in providing educational opportunities and professional services […]

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SU Explores Educational Opportunities Under Dumaguete-Alameda Partnership

A 17-member delegation from Alameda City in California, led by Mayor Trish Spencer, was in Dumaguete City on November 23 to 26 to explore how Alameda and Dumaguete City can operationalize the terms of its sisterhood partnership agreement. Among the highlights were two simultaneous fora between members of the Alameda delegation and representatives from the […]

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Fashion Model Reads Story to Orphans, Elementary Pupils

Fashion model and TV personality Ms Angel Aquino lead the storytelling session early this month with children from a local orphanage and third graders from the Elementary Department of Silliman University. The storytelling was part of the Learning Resource Exposition (LREx) event organized by the Silliman University Library System and the University Library Committee Ms […]

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BENTABOLS Showcases Local Artworks for Sale

The Fine Arts Department collaborated with local artists on its art sale exhibition dubbed ‘BENTABOLS’, opening November 27. ‘BENTABOLS’ showcases a wide range of original small-scale works by many artists in and around Dumaguete at reasonable prices. Running from November 27 to January 8, 2016, ‘BENTABOLS’ is a play on a Tagalog word which in […]

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21 Pass Civil Engineer Licensure Exam

Twenty-one graduates from the College of Engineering and Design are among the country’s 3,935 new Civil Engineers, based on the November 2015 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination by the Professional Regulation Commission . Out of the 33 takers from Silliman University, 21 made it, registering a passing rate of 63.64 per cent against the national passing […]

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Dr. Malayang Sheds Light on Phil. Education Reforms in Hong Kong Leadership Program

Silliman University President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III spoke on higher education reforms in the context of ASEAN integration during a leadership program held November 12 to 14 in Hong Kong. A signature program of the United Board of Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA), the Asian University Leadership Program brings together mid-level and senior […]

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ComSci Student is Only Filipino in Game Developers Showcase in Israel

A graduating student in Computer Science was the only Filipino accepted into a scholarship program that showcased game developers from around the world on October 19 to 21 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Khail Santia, who is cross-enrolled in the Mathematics program in Silliman, was the lone recipient from the Philippines of the Indie Prize. The […]

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Silliman Law Wins Best Prosecution Memorial in IHL Moot Court Competition

A duo from Silliman University College of Law made it to the semifinals of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) National Moot Court Competition held October 19 to 23 at Polytechnic University of the Philippines in Manila. Juris Doctor majors Maria Carmela Caupayan and Darrel Winthrop Torres took on a fictional case, “Prosecutor vs. General Hassam […]

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