113th Founders Day Calendar of Activities Released
The Calendar of Activities for this year's 113th Founders Day activities can now be viewed and downloaded from the University website. It is located under the section “Announcements” on the homepage. For easy access, click: 113th Founders Day Calendar of Activities. Listing is as of July 23, 2014. The Calendar will be updated as more […]
2 Professors Attend Coastal Resource Planning in Myanmar
Two professors from the Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS) recently participated in the planning workshop on Coastal Research, Education and Management at the Mawlamyaine University in Mon State, Myanmar. IEMS OIC-Director Dr. Janet S. Estacion (seated fifth from left) and Graduate Program Coordinator Dr. Hilconida P. Calumpong (standing third from right) were among […]
Exhibit at Silliman Hall Honors National Artist for Theater Arts
In honor of the late National Artist for Theatre Arts Salvador F. Bernal, the historic Silliman Hall has been transformed to a veritable black box to house the national touring exhibition dubbed “Badong: Salvador Bernal Designs the Stage”. “Badong”, which runs from July 28 to August 6, is a retrospective exhibit by the Cultural Center […]
IT Seniors Bested 13 Teams in Programming Competition
A team of five Information Technology seniors from the College of Computer Studies bested thirteen other teams from universities in Dumaguete during the CodeRun: Programming Competition 2014-Student Edition held July 19. Yero Antonio Ranada, Junmil Rey So, Christopher Val Tronco, Ramcer Dy Teves and Ariel Fabileña Jr. comprised the team that was adjudged the champion […]
45 Elementary Pupils Awarded on Honors Day
A total of seven fifth and sixth graders were awarded the highest distinction of School Honors, while 38 received Class Honors during the 12th Honors and Recognition Day Convocation of the Elementary Department held July 21 at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium. Academic honors are given to students with high marks, with no grade […]
Literatura Festival Opens July 25
Eight years have passed since the first Literatura Festival in Dumaguete City. First held in May 2006 at Silliman University, the launching edition of the literary fest—which featured visiting writers Dean Francis Alfar, Susan S. Lara, Marjorie Evasco, DM Reyes, among others—was meant to showcase Filipino writers for the benefit of local students, and to introduce […]
Proactive Response: Call for Donations
A series of low pressure areas is projected to continue affecting the country, including the Visayas region, until the end of this year. These are LPAs that have strong potential of becoming strong typhoons that can cause serious disruption in our day-to-day activities, damage to property and loss of lives. Silliman University is making preparations […]
Education Major Plays in World Lacrosse Championship
Education junior Don Japheth Teves joined the Philippine Lacrosse Association (PLA) Team in the 2014 World Lacrosse Championship held July 10 to 19 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Don was among those who first experienced this new sport in the University during the lacrosse sports clinic sponsored by the PLA last year. Upon review of the […]
Literary Couple Opens Tiempo Center Program for SY 14-15
Poet Mr. Fidelito Cortes and wife, writer and scholar Dr. Nerissa Balce opened this school year's line-up of activities of the Edilberto K. and Edith L. Tiempo Creative Writing Center with a lecture and a workshop on July 14. Dr. Balce presented her lecture on “The American Empire's Camera” in the morning at the Robert […]
University Issues New Acceptance Rites Guidelines for Frat/Sors
Student Organizations and Activities Division (SOAD) Officer-in-Charge Mr. Abe Cadeliña met July 8 with leaders of registered fraternities and sororities on campus to reinforce the University’s policy against hazing and discuss new measures in performing acceptance rites. Under the new guidelines, fraternities and sororities are required to secure a permit whenever they conduct acceptance rites. […]