Trauma Healing Course Slated June 24-27
Consistent with the University's focus on disaster risk mitigation, the Religion and Peace Studies Department offers a four-day course on Trauma Healing Skills Training on June 24 to 27 at the Multi-purpose Room. This course is aimed at the capacity building for individuals who deal with the psychosocial impacts of nature- and human-caused traumas. Target […]
Fun Twist to Campus Orientation Organized for New Students
The Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) spearheaded a fun and creative way of introducing new students to the campus in a program it termed as SUGOD (Silliman University Grand Orientation Day). Organized by the Student Rights and Welfare Committee on June 14, SUGOD adopted an “Amazing Race” concept in giving the new students a glimpse […]
Student Orgs Undergo Orientation on Handling Finances
Fifty-eight student leaders from different registered student organizations in Silliman attended an orientation on June 16 on how to handle their respective organizations' finances and undertake transactions at the Business and Finance Center. Resource persons were key frontline personnel at the Business and Finance Center: Mrs. Marcia Luz Salcedo, who reviews vouchers, and Accounting Department […]
PRESS STATEMENT on Requirement of Master’s for Faculty
Silliman University is implementing the requirement of at least a master’s degree for all faculty teaching college courses in the University effective this school year 2014-2015. This is deemed requisite by pertinent government regulations and recent decisions of the Supreme Court. (This is except for those teaching Architecture, which is allowed by law to be taught […]
Friends Pool Funds for 7th Placer to Take Agriculturist Exam
Orlando Paculanang Cabugnason only wanted one thing: a college diploma. It was a promise he made to himself and one that he wanted for his family. He would be the first in the family to graduate from college. But little did Orlanz know that God did not only answer His prayer; He added an unexpected […]
Online Credit Card Payment System Now Up
Credit card payments can now be made online. This development is part of the continuing commitment of Silliman University to further enhance the efficiency of its student services, and facilitate transactions without the need to be on campus. For online credit card payments, students need to access their Student Online Services account. Once logged in, […]
VPAA Elected to Top Leadership Posts in Accrediting Bodies
Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Betsy Joy B. Tan was elected president of the Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities – Accrediting Agency, Inc. (ACSCU-AAI) during its 29th National Assembly held late last month in General Santos City. ACSCU-AII is a major accrediting agency in the Philippines for private educational institutions. It evaluates […]
Tokushima University Explores Tie-up with Silliman
Officials of the University of Tokushima met with Silliman President Dr. Ben S. Malayang and other members of the Administration on June 11 to explore partnership opportunities, particularly on the University’s program at the Medical School. Present were Dr. Akira Tangoku, Assistant Dean of International Relations and Professor of the Department of Thoracic, Endocrine Surgery […]
14 Students from Virginia in Silliman for Service-Learning
Fourteen students from George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax, Virginia USA are in Silliman University for their Service-Learning Exposure Program from June 10 to 18. They are: Carol Zigani, Tabatha Sakurako Donley, Jessica Melton, Adriana Coste-Hayes, Taylor Pasquale, Nubia Del Carpio, Sean Ferry, Alec Wurzbacher, Tyler Rogers, Joseph Romano, Eunice Perez-Mejia, Maura Schmidt, Hayley Walczer […]
Athletes Bag 8 Gold, 8 Silver, 7 Bronze in National Games
Athletes from both tertiary and secondary school levels of Silliman University bagged a total of 23 medals during the Philippine National Games held May 16 to 25 in Manila. The Silliman team clinched a total of eight gold medals, eight silver and seven bronze in archery and swimming. Bringing home gold were archers Marie Crizabelle […]