

PRC Ranks Silliman Top 6 in Nutritionist-Dietician Exam

Silliman University is ranked sixth among top performing schools during the 2012 Nutritionist-Dietician Licensure Exam. The ranking was done by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) among schools with 25 or more examinees.  Based on the results released July 27 by PRC, Silliman produced 20 new Registered Nutritionist-Dieticians (RND), garnering a passing rate of 64.42 per […]

By suadmin | News

Renowned Guitarist, Rondalla Group Perform on August 4

A traditional guitar concert dubbed “One/String” on August 4 at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium adds to the line-up of cultural highlights for the 50th anniversary celebration of the Cultural Affairs Committee. The concert features renowned Filipino music artist Maestro Michael Dadap, who has made a name for himself and the Philippines in New […]

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Divinity Hosts 6 Japanese Under ‘Global Church’ Exchange

 Four students and two staff from the Japan Biblical Theological Seminary (JBTS) will be visiting Silliman University on August 2 to 9 as part of their exchange student program. The program involves students of theology from two institutions. It aims to enhance the knowledge of each participant about how churches work particularly in Japan and […]

By suadmin | News

Luce President Cites SU’s Care for Country’s ‘Cultural Future’

The president of The Henry Luce Foundation, whose trip to Silliman University was his first to a partner institution of the United Board for Christian Higher Education (UBCHEA) upon election as chair of its Board of Trustees (BOT), expressed gratitude for the care that the University has given to Filipino culture. Dr. Michael Gilligan reflected […]

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Silliman Hosts 30 United Board Fellows from 9 Countries

The 2012 United Board Fellows Program hosted by Silliman University marked the 90th anniversary celebration in the Philippines of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA). Thirty professors from around Asia who were previous recipients of the Fellows Program, one of the signature programs of UBCHEA, were in Silliman from July 23 […]

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Daniel Fissell Foundation Expands Scholarship Program

The Daniel Fissell Music Foundation (DFMF) expanded its scholarship program in Silliman University by supporting a student each year alternately at the College of Performing and Visual Arts (COPVA) and the Divinity School (DS). DFMF Board chair Dr. Al B. Fuertes visited Silliman to make formal such agreement that also includes a music grant to […]

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Eng’g Professors Road Test Alumnus’ Hybrid Car Invention

A graduate of Silliman University had professors at the College of Engineering and Design (CED) test his patented technology that converts ordinary vehicles into hybrid cars. Prototype testing was done on a Volkswagen (VW) Beetle. The hybridized version was then road tested recently around Dumaguete, Tanjay and Zamboanguita by a group of engineers from the […]

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ND Department Leads Campaign for Health, Wellness

The Nutrition and Dietetics (ND) Department takes the lead in the celebration of Nutrition Month this July. Its celebration kicked off with its participation in the annual Nutri-Fit walk on July 8. The Silliman delegation won the award of Biggest Contingent for Private Schools, with its participants coming from different student organizations in the University. […]

By suadmin | News

Scientists Explore Role of Genetics in Marine Conservation

A new technology that uses genetics in biodiversity conservation is the main feature of an international program that has gathered at Silliman University scientists, professors and graduate students from around the world. The 1st Pan-Pacific Advanced Studies Institute (PacASI) hosts 61 participants from ten countries for a series of case study and research presentations, discussions […]

By suadmin | News

‘Nature…in the Future’ Competition Launched

Silliman University served as the venue of the launching of an environmental competition spearheaded by the Ecological Society of the Philippines (ESP) and courier company, JRS Express. “Simplicity in Nature: How I See It in the Future” was the theme that guided the dual competition in essay writing and on-the-spot environmental artwork held late last […]

By suadmin | News