

SOAD Officer Presents ‘Project Agape’ in Korea

Student Organizations and Activities Division (SOAD) Officer-in-Charge Mr. Abe Cadeliña presented a socio-civic program targeted at alleviating the plight of poor children and communities, on March 28 at the Seoul Women’s University in Korea. The program, named Project Agape, of which he is assistant director, links volunteers to partner communities in Negros Oriental where access […]

By suadmin | News

Fine Arts Dep’t Offers Summer Fun for Teens, Adults

There is something to keep teens and adults busy this summer as the Fine Arts Department of the College of Performing Arts releases its line-up of summer programs. The line-up is in addition to regular offerings featured in the Summer School 2012 brochure. (To access the brochure, click: Summer School 2012.) Open to teens and […]

By suadmin | News

Regional Psychology Forum Tackles Disaster Recovery

Helping victims of disasters recover is the main focus of a two-day gathering of psychologists from Visayas and Mindanao this month at Silliman University. The 10th Psychology Regional Forum on April 20 and 21 tackles topics on psycho-social processing and stress debriefing for survivors of calamities. It also offers simulation exercises that test the participants’ […]

By suadmin | News

Workshop Convenes Theological Librarians from 11 Countries

Around 60 theological librarians and experts from 11 countries are convening at the Divinity School for the 6th Forum for Asian Theological Librarians (ForATL) Workshop and Consultation on April 10 to 14. The workshop is funded by different Christian organizations and brings together theological librarians (librarians assigned in seminaries) and resource persons from Indonesia, Thailand, […]

By suadmin | News

ND Dep’t Hosts Info Drive on Food-Oriented Trade Agreements

New free trade agreements (FTAs) benefiting the food industry will be the focus in the presentation during the information drive conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Trade Commission, in partnership with the Nutrition and Dietetics (ND) Department, on April 18 at the Instructional Media and Technology Center. The ND Department […]

By suadmin | News

VC Lecture on Disaster Mgt Features Ex-Japanese Official

Silliman University teamed up with the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) on a lecture on disaster management by a former Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan conducted March 16 via videoconference. Professors, students, librarians and representatives of non-government organizations in Negros Oriental were hooked to a live feed of the lecture […]

By suadmin | News

SU Volunteer Rescue Unit Wins in Regional Fire Olympics

 The Silliman University Volunteer Fire and Rescue Unit (SUVFRU) won second place in the 1st Regional Fire Olympics held March 29 in Cebu City. SUVFRU was the only group that represented the academic sector. It went up against seven other teams from Cebu, Bohol and Siqujor in the “Volunteer” Category that were composed of volunteers […]

By suadmin | News

Call to Action: Observe ‘Earth Hour’

PRESS STATEMENTSilliman University Enjoins the Public to Observe Earth Hour   Saturday, March 31, has been designated as Earth Hour for 2012. As an individual and a collective responsibility, Silliman University is enjoining everyone to observe Earth Hour. At exactly 8:30 in evening of that day, let us turn off our electricity for an hour. […]

By suadmin | News

Professors Talks on Role of Research in MDGs at Texas Tech

Research Director Dr. Enrique G. Oracion spoke during the Global Health Lecture Series of the Health Sciences Center of Texas Tech University on March 28 in Lubbock, Texas, USA. His lecture, “Towards an Integrative and Collaborative Research Program: Responding to the Complex Challenges and Potentials in the Tropics” pointed out the basic considerations in developing […]

By suadmin | News

E-Learning Seminar Gathers Cebu, Negros Or. Teachers

Silliman University hosted recently a regional eLearning seminar for teachers and administrators of schools in Cebu and Negros Oriental. Spearheaded by the College of Computer Studies (CCS), the regional seminar of the Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) served as a venue for participants to discuss various topics on tools, trends and methodologies in eLearning. The seminar […]

By suadmin | News