SLC Hosts 9 Students from Ferris University
Nine students from Ferris University in Yokohama, Japan are in Silliman University for a weeklong service-learning program beginning September 3. These students are hosted by the Service-Learning Center (SLC). They are assigned as groups to SLC’s partner communities around Dumaguete City where they experience Filipino culture and are exposed to day-to-day activities. The nine are […]
Medical School Hits 100% in Physician Licensure Exam
On its third consecutive year, Silliman University garnered 100 per cent in the Physician Licesure Exam. This outstanding performance has been maintained by the Medical School, since it graduated its first batch of Doctor of Medicine students in 2009. Results released August 31 by the Professional Regulation Commission showed 13 new medical doctors from Silliman. […]
Ambassador Albert Cites Role of Research in Diplomacy
Former Philippine Ambassador to Germany, Hon. Delia Domingo Albert, discussed how academic institutions like Silliman University can help in addressing important issues of the country. During the 2012 Eminent Persons Lecture held August 24 at the Claire Isabel MCGill Luce Auditorium, the Ambassador said universities can assist with policy formulation and facilitate key decision-making processes. […]
SUAKCREM: ‘101 Species Vulnerable to Climate Change’
An article co-authored by the former Director of the Silliman University Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management (SUAKCREM) and a researcher of the same Center points to the vulnerability of 101 species to climate change. “Vulnerability of Philippine Amphibians to Climate Change”, which was recently published in the ISI and Scopus-listed journal, Philippine […]
MedTech Ranks 1st in Nat’l Research Paper Competition
A research paper by eight students of the Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (ICLS) was awarded first place during the 29th Philippine Blood Coordinating Council Annual Convention held August 22 to 24. The paper, “Rapid Screening of Cytomegalovirus Antibodies from Freshly-collected Donor’s Blood in Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital Laboratory,” bested three other researches conducted by […]
‘Cane’ Event Ups Visual Impairment Awareness
Special Education students of the College of Education (COE) organized early August the 23rd White Cane Safety Day, an event to raise awareness about people with visual impairment. “Making the Rights Real Right Now for Persons with Visual Impairment” was the theme of the celebration which gathered members of the blind, special education students and […]
Silliman Turns 111
Thousands gather at the Silliman campus for the University’s 111th Founders Day, being celebrated on the theme “Empower Me – Spirit of the Living God”. The Silliman Founders Day has become among Dumaguete City’s major events every year. It contributes significantly to the City’s tourism industry, generating business for hotels, restaurants and commercial establishments. Silliman […]
4 Named Outstanding Sillimanians
Silliman University honors on August 28 four of its alumni as this year’s recipients of the prestigious Outstanding Sillimanian Award. They are Dr. Maria Christina Roble-Esperat for Nursing Research and Administration, Atty. Kathleen G. Heceta for Government Service in Telecommunications, Dr. Enrico C. Sobong for Medicine, and Ambassador Antonio P. Villamor for Diplomacy. Dr. […]
SUHS ’62 Donates Silliman Hall Marker on 50th Reunion
Members of the Silliman University High School Class of 1962 unveiled their gift to Silliman, on the celebration of their 50th anniversary. They gathered outside the Silliman Hall on August 24 to formally turn over a brass marker that describes and tells the history of the oldest building on campus. The marker is prominently located […]
Newly Dedicated Col. Yap Hall to Host ROTC Museum
Silliman University dedicated this morning the Col. Roman T. Yap Hall, named after the late Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees. The building was donated by the family of Col. Yap. It will serve as the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) center and will host an ROTC museum. It is located at the Filomeno […]