Rent-A-Bike Program Increases Units to 37
The Sikad project of the Silliman University Student Government (SUSG), symbolically launched in December last year as the students’ Christmas gift to the environment, has more than doubled its number of bicycle units for rent to students this new school year. Continuing the project is this year’s SUSG president Marian Vanslemvrouck, a graduating Nursing major. […]
Silliman Linked to World Bank’s 6-Country ‘Blue World’ VC
Silliman University was one of only two academic institutions in the Philippines looped into World Bank’s (WB) multi-country videoconference on “Green Economy in a Blue World” held June 20. Already its second run, “Green Economy in a Blue World” is part of the seminar series being administered by the Global Development Learning Network, a global […]
4-Point Waste Mgt Action Plan Created at Salonga Roundtable
A roundtable discussion conducted by the Dr. Jovito Salonga Center for Law and Development (SLCD) on June 14 led to the creation of a four-point action plan aimed at intensifying the solid waste management program of Dumaguete City. The action plan was developed from an exchange of ideas on options that Dumaguete could explore in […]
MoA Clarifying Joint Responsibility over SU Hospital Signed
A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) further clarifying the relationship between Silliman University and the Silliman University Medical Center Foundation, Inc. (SUMCFI) was signed on June 9 at the Board Room of the Leopoldo T. Ruiz Administration Hall of the University. University President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III said the MoA defines the relationship of the […]
Sillimanian Beats Olympic-Qualifying Archers at Nat’l Games
A 17-year-old Sillimanian not only defeated Olympic aspirants but also set a new Southeast Asian record in archery during the recently concluded Philippine Olympic Committee-Philippine Sports Commission (POC-PSC) Philippine National Games hosted by Dumaguete City. Marie Crizabelle Merto, who was still in her senior year at the High School Department during the Games and now […]
CCTV Cameras Installed
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are now installed at five strategic areas in Silliman University. These CCTV cameras supplement ongoing safety and security measures being undertaken by the University to promote the welfare of its students and personnel. There are now CCTV cameras at the entrances to the Early Childhoold, Elementary and High School Departments of […]
12 Students from USA Undergo Weeklong Service-Learning
Twelve students from George Mason University (GMU) in Virginia, USA will be undergoing a weeklong homestay program in host communities in Dumaguete City, through the Service-Learning Center (SLC) of Silliman University. The students’ trip to Dumaguete and their immersion activity on June 17 to 22 are part of the Global Education Program of GMU. This […]
Australian Professor Laments Global Decline of Coral Reefs
Dr. Terry Hughes, Director of the Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies of James Cook University in Australia lectures on “Scale, Stock-recruitment Dynamics and the Global Decline of Coral Reefs” to a group of researchers, teachers, graduate students and representatives of local government units and government agencies in Negros Oriental, Siquijor […]
Anthropologist Tackles ‘Anti-Foundational’ Learning in Vietnam
An Anthropology professor of Silliman University facilitated a workshop on service-learning at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City on June 2 to 5 and discussed the value of questioning lessons learned in the classroom in achieving knowledge production. Dr. Enrique Oracion, who concurrently serves as […]
5 Students Qualify for Int’l Math Tournament in Hong Kong
Five students from the School of Basic Education qualified for an international mathematics tournament in Hong Kong on July 23 to August 1. All five are now official members of the Philippine team competing in the Search for the Asian Math Wizard in two categories: elementary and high school. Four are from the Elementary Department: […]