75 March During 3rd Summer School Commencement
Seventy-five students graduated during the 3rd Summer School University Commencement held May 13 at the Silliman University Church. Majority of the graduates represented undergraduate degrees obtained under ten of the University's academic units: College of Agriculture, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business Administration, College of Computer Studies, College of Education, College of Engineering […]
ND Program First in Phils. to Receive Level 1 Accreditation
The Nutrition and Dietetics (ND) program of Silliman University is the first in the country to receive Level 1 Accreditation from the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). Released this month, the result came after thorough PAASCU's evaluation conducted September last year of the programs' strength in the areas of instruction, research […]
3 Sillimanians Selected ‘Student Ambassadors’ to Japan
Three Sillimanians were chosen as Student Ambassadors under the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) Programme 2012. The three spent two weeks in Japan this summer, together with 90 other student leaders from different countries. They were divided into batches and underwent a series of activities aimed at mutual understanding and […]
SULAW Issues Statement on Reported Arrest of Sen. Salonga
The College of Law and the Dr. Jovito R. Salonga Center for Law and Development of Silliman University issued a joint press statement expressing concern over the alleged warrant of arrest served on former Senator Dr. Jovito R. Salonga. Released by Law Dean Atty. Mikhail Lee Maxino and Salonga Center Director Atty. Myrish Cadapan-Antonio, the […]
200 Delegates, 10 Churches Unite for Leadership Camp
Around 200 delegates from ten affiliated churches of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) will set foot on the Silliman campus for the 5th Hexagon Camp on May 17 to 20. This year’s Camp, hosted by the Silliman University Church, reinvents the composition of the participants as it has expanded beyond what […]
Psychology Dep’t Starts May with ‘Control Your Anger’
The Psychology Department rolls out its summer program for the month of May with its first workshop on “Controlling Your Anger Before It Controls You”. Four workshops have been designed for graduate students in psychology and related fields and mental health professionals, with the one on anger management conducted in the University on May 9. […]
Soil Science Society Holds 15th Conference in Silliman
The College of Agriculture is spearheading the hosting of the 15th Philippine Society of Soil Science and Technology (PSSST) Annual Conference on May 16 to 18 on the Silliman campus. Themed “Soil Science in Nation Building”, the conference gathers policy makers and PSSST members representing the academe, government and the private sector discuss and learn […]
AusAID, Silliman to Sign Agreement on Masbate Project
Silliman University and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) will be formalizing an agreement on a project that is seen to help improve the development planning capacity of the local government unit of the province of Masbate. A formal launch of the project “Participatory, Evidence-Based Research and Learning Partnership (PERL) in Masbate Province” is […]
IT Grad Named Outstanding Region 7 Student
A fresh graduate in Information Technology of Silliman University was adjudged one of Ten Outstanding Students of Region 7 (TOSR). Athena Gene E. Duran was selected together with nine others on May 1 at the Negros Oriental Convention Center, giving her the chance at being named one of Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines (TOSP). […]
Continuing Relief Operations Benefit 338 Families
Over 338 families badly affected by the 6.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Negros Oriental in February this year are the recent beneficiaries of Silliman University’s continuing relief operations on April 30. A Ceres bus carried a group of over 30 students and employees of the University to the municipality of Tayasan. They distributed relief goods […]