Couple of the Week: Mr. & Mrs. Abe and Rea Cadeliña

Couple of the Week: Mr. & Mrs. Abe and Rea Cadeliña

If the acacia trees in Silliman could speak, it would have already told us thousands of stories and echoed dozens of love songs. For as enduring as the trees that are rooted beneath what we can see, so are the love stories that bloomed here in thecampus by the sea”.

Five years ago, the University website featured one of Silliman’s prominent couples: Profs. Fred and Connie Cadeliña (See full story here: At the time of their love story’s telling, no one knew yet that a month after the feature was published, their son Abe would begin a story of his own. 

Mr. Abe P. Cadeliña, currently Officer-in-Charge of the Student Organizations and Activities Division (Click here for his Colleague of the Week feature:, married Mrs. Rea Mae Albon-Cadeliña, College Guidance Counselor, on December 17, 2013. 

Born six years apart, both have been serving the University for seven years now. They both started working in Silliman in 2010. But it was only in 2013 when both of their broken roads led them to each other. 

This second generation love story will remind us that even when we are treading on a broken road, God sees all and knows all, and He always, always leads us home. 

Here’s to Abe and Rea! 

How did you meet?
He said:
 Introduced by Kuya Jaruvic Rafols on Seniors Day 2013 at the Silliman Hall.
She said: I already knew Abe as the SOAD Head even before we were officially introduced by Kuya Jaruvic. I’ve processed some permits in his office [before]. However, he thought I was a student. Haha 🙂 

How did you know that the other person was “the one”?
He said: 
I felt it.
She said: Hmm…colors seemed brighter and more brilliant when he’s around. In his presence, there was no need for continuous conversation; there was a quiet [contentment] in just having him nearby. I found strength in knowing that I have found a true friend and possibly found “the one” who will remain faithful to the end. And I did. 🙂

Describe your relationship in three words.
He said:
 Meant to be.
She said: God’s perfect love. 🙂

What do you call the other person? (Term of endearment, if any)
He said:
She said: Love (if it’s just us conversing)
Papa Love (if our daughter is around)
Lovekins (sometimes on FB) 🙂

What do you love best about the other person?
He said: Her strength as a mother and a wife.
She said: Abe is a full package; a family man, God-fearing, he makes me laugh (always) and cry (sometimes), a loving husband and father. And I love the fact that he is 6 years older than me. Hehehe ? Fine catch, indeed. Thank You Lord!

What makes the other person laugh?
He said: Not what, but who – me!
She said: Our two-year old daughter 🙂

What makes the other person cry?
He said: Not what, but who – me!
She said: Family 🙂

As a couple, what is your favorite hang-out place in the University?
He said: Balete Cottege!
She said: True true 🙂 (Balete Cottage)

What song best describes your relationship?
He said: “Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts
She said: “Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts. Favorite line of the song: “This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.”

What one thing would people be interested to know about your relationship?
He said: We met on March, became a couple in June, got married in December…of the same year.
She said: and I got pregnant after one month. Hehehe 🙂

How do you manage the tough times?
He said: Let God be God.
She said: Abe has a good sense of humor. We laugh at our difficult times; sometimes we cry together/ We talk and listen to each other when we have problems. We don’t only share the happy moments in life but the tough times most especially…with God’s grace that all will be well. 🙂

How did you keep the “spark” after all these years?
He said: Put the plug in. Hehehe
She said: Hahahaha! Always appreciate and value the little things that you do for each other. And trying to (as much as possible and as much as I can) speak Abe’s love language.

What is your idea of a family?
He said: One that grows together om health, principles, advocacy and faith.
She said: There is no such thing as a perfect family. A family should recognize and accept the individuality of every member. Amidst the individuality, they should grow together in all aspects (holistic) especially in faith. Love must be unconditional.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from/with the other person?
He said: Patience
She said: A lot given that Abe is 6 years older than me. Hehe Him being a church elder has a great impact in my spiritual growth. God is using Abe for me to unlearn my religiosity. Meaning, he has been an instrument for to release from the hold it was once in my religious rituals and routines. Since then, it has been easier for me to let God be God.

What is your Valentine’s message for the other person?
He said: I don’t need Valentine’s Day to be in love, because with you (Rea) every day is love.
She said: I said this already during our third year anniversary. “Two are better off than one because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9

Lovekins, with you there is forever, Hehe I love you!