Faculty, Alumni Attend International Confab on Health, Nursing in United States
Two faculty members of the College of Nursing represented Silliman University and the Silliman University College of Nursing (SUCN) Honor Society in the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) 44th Biennial Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States.
Established in 2013, the honor society of the SUCN, known as the STTI-Psi Beta Chapter, was chartered and became the first STTI chapter in the Philippines in August 2016.
The participation of the Silliman faculty and alumni in the international convention was equally a source of pride when faculty, Dr. Maria Theresa C. Belciña, who is vice president of the STTI chapter in Silliman, carried the Philippine flag during the parade of flags on October 28. There were a total of 90 flags that represented the scope, coverage and network of STTI across the globe.
Dr. Belciña was also one of the podium presenters together with fellow SUCN alumna Ms Kristeline Suasin, who is chair of Governance Committee of the STTI chapter in Silliman. They presented on the theme “”Influence through Action: Advancing Global Health, Nursing and Midwifery,” with two other Filipinos: Dr. Glenda Arquiza, Member of the Board of Nursing of the country’s Professional Regulation Commission, and Dr. Rhigel Tan, Chair of the Nevada Board of Registered Nurses.
Another faculty Asst. Prof. Florenda F. Cabatit, who is STTI-Psi Beta president-elect, also attended the convention and represented the chapter with Dr. Belciña as voting members of the House of Delegates. It during the session of the House where amendments to the STTI bylaws are made and the election of its officers conducted.
Asst. Prof. Cabatit, Ms Suasin and former Philippine Nurses Assication president Dr. Mila Delia Llanes were recipients of the A. Constantino Leadership Education Travel Grant.
Active SUCN alumna and current STTI-Psi Beta president Mrs. Felicidad Gonzalez also participated in the convention. She and Ms Suasin received the recognition presented to the Silliman chapter by STTI president Dr. Kathy Catrambone and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Patricia Thompson.
The STTI-Psi Beta Chapter has a total of 242 members. Membership is by invitation only, and is extended to professionals in nursing and related fields and to third and fourth year students in nursing.