In Remembrance of Mrs. Lina Cortes

In Remembrance of Mrs. Lina Cortes

We Are to Live Godly Lives
1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11
(Euology in remembrance of Mrs. Lina Cortes)
Many of us probably have experienced problems that seemed to be insurmountable. It could be mounting unpaid bills, serious illness of someone dear to us, foreclosure of a mortgaged property and many more.

Life is filled with sorrows too. The physical separation of a loved one can be very painful like illness or death. We experience not only sorrow but also loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted. Sorrow can strike at any age or so suddenly like a thief in the night.

Looking back on the life of Mrs. Lina Cortes, we can say that she took her illness to the Lord in prayer. Truly Christ Jesus had been her refuge and strength all these years. The Lord had been her refuge in times of trouble and her shelter in the midst of storms in her life especially when her husband, Dr. Teodoro V. Cortes died. Christ’s love was so great that through her youngest daughter, Charina, she was well taken care of. Her children became the channel of Christ’s grace of blessing to her and those around her. Indeed, Christ has great mercy and compassion for those who live godly lives. Her children set an example for all of us to do  all good works that Christ Jesus has intended for us to do, to love one another, our neighbor, friend or stranger.

We, too are called to do the same. This means being a faithful son or daughter, mother or father, employer or employee, student or teacher, neighbor and friend.  And so as we do, as Ma’am Lina did, we live as heirs of salvation won for us by Christ Jesus, knowing that our earthly days are numbered but our heavenly inheritance is eternal.

Have you thought about this question: if you had only 5 or 6 months to live, what would you do? What does it mean for Christians to live like our days are numbered? The people of Thessalonica were encouraged simply to live out their vocations, knowing the end was near. They didn’t need to tour the world and have more fun in exotic locations to feel like they have gotten the most out of their earthly life, and so, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die; to live life like it will not last forever. The answer is found in First Thessalonians Chapter 5 verse 11: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” We are to live godly lives!

St. Paul encourages us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). And the Psalmist promises, “Trust in Lord, and do good: dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desire of your heart’ (Psalm 37:3-4).

A familiar saying is “Walk the Talk”, our Christian Life Emphasis theme. Too often, though when it comes to the ills and evils that surround us, people talk but do nothing.

But there is one who walked the talk – Jesus Christ. He saw evil, war, disease, disasters and death. Jesus had compassion on us. He suffered on the cross for us.

Having cared for us so  wonderfully in Christ, God calls us to learn about the needs of others and to help – our neighbors, colleagues, students and those we do not even personally know.

Here is great comfort for us. Jesus is always aware of our problem. In the storms of life, drawn to Christ by His promises of mercy, we turn to Him for comfort and blessed assurance.

We should not forget that we have an all-powerful God who loves us.

Let us pray. Dear Jesus, when sorrow and fear overtake us, make us aware of your gracious power to comfort and to save. Grant to us courage and steadfast faith.


Carlos M. Magtolis, Jr.

Certificate in Southeast Asian Studies Program (1981); Master of Arts in History (1981); Master of Arts in History (1981);

Professor Magtolis is currently Dean of Student Affairs and Chairperson of the University Spiritu*]}*al Life Council. A professor of history, he has also served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Professor obtained his undergraduate degree of Bachelor of Science in Geography from the University of the Philippines-Diliman in 1969. In 1991, he received his Certificate in American Studies at Claremont, California.