1. Open a browser (Chrome or Firefox).
  2. Go to https://mail.google.com
  3. At the email box, type your email address

The official Silliman Email is in the following format:

First Name +Middle Initial + Last Name @su.edu.ph


Student Name: John Jones F. Doe
Email: [email protected]

then click the “NEXT” button.


  1. At the password box, type your password

Your default password is your family name + your birthdate.  No spaces and ñ is replaced with “n, birthdate format is mmddyyyy.

If your default password does not work, input family name + 01011901.


Name: Juan F. Dela Peña
Birthdate: September 5, 1985
Default password: delapena09051985

Example 2:

Default password: delapena01011901

then click NEXT button.

For questions and clarifications, please email: [email protected]

For forgotten password, please email: [email protected]

To change your Gmail settings, click this link.