Strategic Partnerships eOSP v8 – 9 October 2018
This digital newsletter is a digest of calls for participation, research collaborations, fellowships, scholarships, events and other opportunities as well as news of breakthroughs and scientific discoveries for Silliman University faculty, staff and students. It is curated by the Office of Strategic Partnerships.
[Scholarship] Yale University – Human Relations Area Files
Deadline for applying is December 1, 2018.
As an organization dedicated to disseminating cultural information and research on human diversity, the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) greatly values diversity in our membership base. We are therefore proud to present a new scholarship program, aimed at expanding global access to eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology.
Up to 15 successful applicants to the HRAF Global Scholarship will receive one year of free access to our entire online collections for their institution. Applicants must be faculty/staff affiliated with an educational institution or research organization in a low-income or middle-income country, as defined by the World Bank. See the application for more eligibility details.
The application asks for a paragraph or two on the ways eHRAF would be used in teaching/research during the scholarship year. It can be accessed here: http://hraf.yale.edu/global-scholarship-application/
Please send the application ,to [email protected]. URL: http://hraf.yale.edu/global-scholarship-application/
[Young Scholars Visiting Scheme] The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Asia – Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (CCK – APC)
Deadline: The next review will be in November 2018; applications received by 29 October, 2018, will be considered at this review.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (CCK – APC) Young Scholars Visiting Scheme mainly supports visits to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) by young scholars on research in Chinese studies.
Interested parties should apply with a detailed curriculum vitae, a two-page research proposal, two recommendation letters and a list of his/her publications; applicant should also indicate his/her preferred period of tenure in the application. Airfare to and from home institution (economy class), on-campus accommodation, a shared office-space and a sum of HK$20,000 of subsistence allowance will be supported.Enquiries should be directed to the CCK – APC Office by email at [email protected].
Contact Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/apc/2018-2019/APC-young-visting-scholars-application-poster.pdf
Call for papers: Game of Thrones: Views from the Humanities
Deadline: 30th November 2018
The series of novels by G.R.R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire, adapted for the screen with the title Game of Thrones, has become a true mass phenomenon worldwide. The books are eagerly awaited by their fans, while the broadcast of the episodes of the series breaks ratings and HBO subscriptions, and any news about it is featured in the first page of newspapers worldwide. The episodes of the last season have become the most downloaded files on the Internet ever.
Previous studies have shown the richness of both the books and the series. The battles, the political plots, the internal or family struggles, the landscapes and scenarios, the motivations of the characters, the ethnic groups represented, the expressly invented languages, among many other subjects, provide numerous possibilities for analysis. The study of this world through the diverse perspectives provided by the Humanities and its academic rigor, will offer a new and enriching vision of this fantasy land and our own world.
What does a linguist have to say about the Dothraki language? A specialist of Communication studies about the phenomenon of fans? A political scientist about the machinations in King’s Landing? A historian of the Roman world about the circle formation of the “Battle of the Bastards”? A jurist about the possibilities of bastard children to inherit? An economic historian about the Iron Bank? A classicist about the motives of Roman literature in the world of Game of Thrones? A geographer on the topography of the Seven Kingdoms?
If you are interested in participating with a 20-minute presentation on any aspect of that world through the prism of the Humanities, in a totally relaxed but academically rigorous way, send us your name, affiliation, a title and an abstract (maximum 300 words), before 30th November 2018 to the following address: [email protected]
The congress will take place in Seville, Spain, 16th to 18th May 2019. The proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee and the participants will be informed of the decision throughout the month of January 2019.
Contact Email: [email protected]
6th International Winter Course – Human Rights and Asia 2019 -Seoul National University Human Rights Center, 7 January 2019
Deadline: October 12, 2018
The International Winter Course ‘Human Rights and Asia’ intends to allow participants to think about the universality of human rights in particular contexts of Asia and to gain a deepened understanding of human rights issues in this region. This two-week intensive course was launched in 2014 and is now awaiting participants for its sixth year. A special lecture on the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Asia’ will mark the 70th anniversary of the UDHR. A cross-cutting theme of this upcoming course is economic and social rights. Participants will examine economic and social rights in relation to gender, refugees, and in the context of corporate responsibility. Participants will also discuss the theory and practice of social and economic rights in the context of Asia. Participants will be involved in a multidimensional learning that includes not only lectures, but also presentations, discussions, and visiting the field of human rights advocacy in Korea. Our course ultimately aims at fostering an inter-disciplinary study and multidimensional advocacy activities on human rights in Asia.
*Information on courses of previous years can be found on: http://hrc.snu.ac.kr/en/courses/asia
[Postdoctoral Research Fellowships] “Reconceptualizing the Cold War: On-the-ground Experiences in Asia,” National University of Singapore
Deadline: November 15, 2018
The Department of History at the National University of Singapore is pleased to offer two (2) postdoctoral fellowships. These are two-year appointments beginning either February 1, 2019 or August 1, 2019. Successful candidates will join a new research program, “Reconceptualizing the Cold War: On-the-ground Experiences in Asia,” directed by Dr. Masuda Hajimu, and supported by the Academic Research Council, Ministry of Education, Singapore.
The research project aims to build an online archive of oral history collections concerning the Cold War and decolonization in Asia, with a particular focus on the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Singapore, as well as Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan.
To apply, submit the following items by email to the Principal Investigator: [email protected]
Cover letter, Curriculum vitae, Statement addressing applicant’s research experience and possible contribution to the project (1,500 words, excluding references),Two letters of recommendation (to be submitted by email to: [email protected])
Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2018, and will continue until these positions are filled. For all enquiries, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Masuda Hajimu, at: [email protected]