SU allows trademarked seal’s use
Silliman University (SU) allows Grateful Heart Enterprise through a licensing agreement the use of the trademarked seal of the University in the manufacture and sale of wall clocks using the seal.
Prof. Jane Annette L. Belarmino, SU vice president for development, said that this is the first licensing agreement for the use of the seal. The University encourages those intending to use the University seal to seek the permission from the University first and enter into a licensing agreement.
The trademarked seal is an asset of Silliman. She adds that “the University will take steps to protect our trademark from unauthorized use.”
Belarmino said “we would like to encourage everybody to purchase only merchandise bearing the University seal that is covered by a licensing agreement. The use of the seal is authorized when an agreement is in place.”
Grateful Heart Enterprise is a manufacturer of arts & crafts, décor, gifts, and handmade packaging located at the heart of the artisan town of Paete, Laguna.
For information on price and other details about the clock, visit the facebook page Grateful Heart | Facebook or click the pre-order form: https://bit.ly/3DxeqiG