SU Beach Eco Park’s construction continues
The Silliman University Administration continues to work with the City Government of Dumaguete to realize the SU Beach Ecological Park with an initial funding from Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee Dr. Mariano C. Lao of SUHS Class ’57. The Ecological Park is located in Barangay Bantayan.
Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann, SU president assures the construction of the facility is ongoing and nearing completion despite the delays due to the community lockdowns and quarantine as well as in the procurement of construction materials. Currently, the contractor is working on the second floor of the building.
Construction of the said facility started last May 18, 2020, and is expected to be completed by the end of this year’s third quarter. Construction work, as assessed by the architect-in-charge, is deemed on schedule.
The SU Beach Ecological Park is an integrated approach in reviving and rehabilitating the beach fronting Dr. Angel C. Alcala Environment and Marine Science Laboratories for recreation, research, and revenue-generation. The park is designed to house an information area, viewing deck, and a boardwalk which leads to a forested mangrove area, a picnic-stretch, a fisherman’s cove with docking area, and a “dampa”-style restaurant that will be managed by the local fishermen’s association.
The construction of an information center within the ecological park addresses one of its reviving purposes that is the focal point for exploration and environmental education. The information building, which also serves as the bantay dagat headquarters, will serve as an education and information dissemination center of the ecological park.
August of last year, a groundbreaking ceremony was held on-site, attended by Dr. Lao with his wife Lina and family. During the groundbreaking, Dumaguete Mayor Felipe Antonio B. Remollo together with members of the SU Board of Trustees, senior officers, Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS) director and personnel, and Bantayan Brgy. Captain Nerio Grapa with his councilors showed their support for the project.