SU Church Holy Week Celebration Schedule

SU Church Holy Week Celebration Schedule

6 PM, April 1, 2021Maundy Thursday Worship Service
* Face-to-Face and Livestream (Facebook, Youtube and DYSR Radio)

3 PM, April 2, 2021Good Friday Worship Service
Livestream only (Facebook, Youtube and DYSR Radio)

6 PM, April 3, 2021Daily Prayer Meditation
Livestream only (Facebook, Youtube and DYSR Radio)

5 AM, April 4, 2021Eater Sunrise Service (Amphitheater)
* Face-to-Face and Livestream (Facebook, Youtube and DYSR Radio)

9:30 AM, April 4, 2021Easter Sunday Service
Livestream only (Facebook, Youtube and DYSR Radio)

* Pre-Registration is required for those attending the services through face-to-face. Call the Church Office for registration at 035 225.4837 / 422.8133 / 422.6002 loc. 340 / mobile: 09178820025