SU Language Learning Center Team presents paper in int’l confab

SU Language Learning Center Team presents paper in int’l confab

Dr. Warlito Caturay Jr. introduces the context of the study, highlighting Silliman University’s 5Cs.

Silliman University (SU) Language Learning Center (LLC) staff, Dr. Joan Generoso, John Edgar Rubio, and Dr. Warlito Caturay Jr., presented a paper at the 2023 Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT) International Conference held on December 7-9, 2023 in Baguio City.

Titled, “Applying a SWOT Analysis on an Intensive English Program (IntEP): Redesigning a Language Program Post-pandemic,” their paper explored the viability of the Center’s Online Intensive Program post-pandemic.

The IntEP is LLC’s flagship program. Caturay, who was the former coordinator of LLC, said that when the pandemic broke out in 2020, the staff had to rethink how IntEP could be delivered.

“All the classes at Silliman at the time were delivered online. We tried to explore if the same modality could be applied for our special program. Luckily, Kobe International University expressed interest,” Caturay said.

Now that classes have gone back to face-to-face, LLC has to re-assess if the online IntEP is still viable.

Generoso, who is the current coordinator of LLC said: “It is important to explore the possibility of revamping the program in the new normal.

Using a qualitative approach, the study analyzed both the conventional and the online versions of IntEP. Specifically, the analysis used the SWOT framework to design a roadmap that can help navigate the program’s obstacles, challenges, opportunities, and projects. Insights were culled from former students of the program and the teachers and the staff of LLC.

Established in 1960, PALT is the Philippines’ oldest professional organization. According to its website, PALT aims to promote excellence in language teaching, research, and extension service.

PALT holds a yearly convention to share with teachers theoretically sound and research-based methods and strategies.

Dr. Joan Generoso discusses the theoretical underpinnings of the study.