SU, SUSA inks new CBA for 2021-2024
Silliman University (SU) signed a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the SU Staff Association (SUSA) for 2021 to 2024, which includes an increase in salary and rice allowance and the privilege to add another dependent who can avail of a tuition discount.

Atty. Marie Chielo H. Ybio (seated, 4th from the left), head of the administration panel, and Vcpierre S. Calunsag (seated, 3rd from the right), SUSA president, hold copies of the newly signed CBA. Other members of the administration panel and SUSA panel also attended the CBA signing: (Administration panel) Atty. Richard M. Catacutan; Dr. Margaret Helen U. Alvarez; Dr. Lily Ann D. Bautista; June B. Diputado; Fiametta A. Olegario; (SUSA panel) Lani M. Placencia; Azil E. Aplaon; Rey Dennis B. Caballero; Alvin A. Corda; Reu D. Ismil; Jamie A. Mananquil; and Blanchie M. Utzurrum.
The CBA was signed by members of the SU Administration Panel and SUSA Panel, October 15, 2021 at Guy Hall.

Members of the administration panel and SUSA panel share a table during the CBA signing.

SUSA panel members sign the CBA.
The CBA covers the school years 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 and has already taken effect since June of this year.
Salary increase
Vcpierre S. Calunsag, SUSA president, said the total salary increase for three years is PhP2,600.
According to the CBA, the salary of regular staff personnel will have a 500-peso increase starting June 2021; another 1,300-peso increase by June 2022; and an 800-peso increase by June 2023.
Rice allowance increase
As for the rice allowance, Calunsag said the total rice allowance in a year will have a 1,000-peso increase each school year.
In the CBA, regular staff personnel can expect a total of PhP18,606 for their rice allowance by the end of SY 2021-2022; a total of PhP19,606 in 2022-2023; and PhP20,606 in 2023-2024.
Additional dependent
Under the new CBA, Calunsag said staff who are single and those who are married without children can now have two dependents who can enjoy a discount on all school fees for Senior High School up to the undergraduate level.
The CBA specifies that those who can get a second dependent are regular staff who have rendered at least 20 years of service.
Since 2014, single staff and those who are married without children can designate their niece, nephew, brother, sister, or relative within the third civil degree of consanguinity, as their dependent or beneficiary.
Other benefits
Cash incentives for the staff after the yearly performance evaluation will have a 500-peso increase. Starting June 2021, staff personnel with a 3.64 to 4.00 rating will receive PhP3,500 while those with a 3.26 to 3.63 rating will receive PhP2,500.
There will also be a PhP5,000 signing bonus after the signing of the new CBA.
‘Meeting halfway’
“We are thankful [to] the University that even though there is a pandemic, nihatag gihapon sila og big increase for us,” said Calunsag. (We are thankful that even though there is a pandemic, the University still gave a big increase for us.)
Atty. Marie Chielo H. Ybio of the SU Office of the General Counsel, who leads the Administration panel, thanked SUSA for their patience.
“I would like to commend the SUSA panel. You really were true to your word of meeting us halfway, and you truly understood the situation we are in right now,” said Ybio.
Dr. Betty Cernol McCann, SU president, expressed happiness over the additional benefits for the staff and said that what is good for the staff is also good for the University.
SUSA is the only union for SU’s non-academic personnel and its sole and exclusive bargaining unit .

Members of the SUSA and SU administration attended the CBA signing.