Alumni Updates (February 23-March 1)
The Silliman University Alumni Association Sydney, Australia Chapter, Inc. (SUAASACI) had a post-Valentines get-together last February 21 at the lovely hilltop home of Walter and Lucy Jumawan Sauer in the Blue Mountains. Lucy, who is an Outstanding Sillimanian in Performing Arts (Dance), prepared her signature gourmet vegetarian dishes. The chapter also had a meeting on projects to pursue and other initiatives that support the chapter and the University, with a growing number of alumni in Sydney in Canberra, now around 130.
Last year, on November 1, members of the SUAASACI also went on a Gatsby-themed dinner cruise around Sydney with an amazing view of its skyline.
Also on February 21, the Butuan City Alumni Chapter gathered for another post-Valentines alumni fellowship at the VJ Restaurant in Butuan. Atty. Rene K. Burdeos, chapter president, echoed updates on campus, including preparations for K+12 and the ASEAN Economic Community, from the first-ever Alumni Summit that he attended on campus earlier this month. The chapter also discussed plans on how they can further ensure the sustainability of the chapter and support initiatives taken up during the Alumni Summit.