A Call for Justice (A Statement of the Board of Trustees of Silliman University)
A Call for Justice (A Statement of the Board of Trustees of Silliman University)
Issued Date: August 27, 2016
“For a Christian Community Silence is not an Option”
“As I live, says the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his wicked ways and live…” Ezekiel 33:11
In the past few months, our country has been torn in factions centered around the idea of justice that seems to be testing the limits and ideals of our democracy. We have seen sweeping and often revolutionary changes in the running of the country, and particularly so in the pursuit of criminal elements that, while laudable in its earnestness, has also stirred up anger and doubt over its intensity and integrity.
The Silliman community knows the importance of speaking up and fighting for the democratic ideal, especially in trying times. Because we are a Christian community, professing a God who has showed us a much better way, and who has showed us the kind of life that leads to a truly transformed humanity, we need to make a stand with regard to the value of life that should be the foundation of our very being. Life is to be considered a precious and sacred gift from our creator God.
To enhance this gift of life, we seek a justice system that obeys due process, considers deeply the humane, and believes in the power of the restorative. For a Christian community, there can be no other option to take.
Ben S. Malayang III