Mrs. Koren Angelada-Fontelo

Mrs. Koren Angelada-Fontelo


The “simple pero rock” secretary.

Mrs. Koren Angelada-Fontelo is dubbed thebungisngis queen” by her friends for her contagious laughter and smiles. With her bubbly personality, it comes as no surprise that she loves watching Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese teleseryes. 

A simple and happy person, Koren points most of her interests to being a homemaker. She enjoys cooking, gardening, cross-stitching, and buying fresh vegetables in the market. She also reads books and magazines, goes online shopping (for items that are on clearance sale), listens to Christian music, plays Boggle, and collects heart-shaped items and other accessories. 

Koren is the secretary of the Medical School. She joined the team in 2005, and is now on her sixth year with Silliman University. 

This loving wife and mother shares of families: “Other things may change us, but we start and end with our family.” 

Let’s get to know Koren more beyond the four corners of her table. 

Describe yourself in three words.
Simple pero rock!

What is your mantra in life?
Carpe diem! (Seize the day!)

What makes you laugh/cry?
I laugh easily that’s why most of my friends call me “bungisngis queen.” Bloopers in work or anywhere, especially in public areas, make me laugh. Cry? I just cried last night watching a Taiwanese movie, “Starry, Starry Night”. Seriously, I cry when I hear harsh comments about me that are not true, and when  I'm also scolded or humiliated in public.

What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
I love weekends! My Saturdays are mostly spent doing household chores, like gardening, cooking, cleaning the house. Sundays are bonding moments with my family. We play or watch a movie together.


What is your favorite thing to do when not working?
Spend time with God. Most of the time though, I sleep!

What is your favorite hangout place in the University?
During college days, I would spend most of my free time at the third floor of the Main Library — it’s quieter there. At work, I usually stay in our Dean’s office during my free time to read a book or newspaper. 

What makes you blush?
God’s (unexpected) miracles.

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
I’m not sure about this, but I would like to be Sandra Bullock. I especially like to be her in the movie “The Lake House” with Keanu Reeves, or “The Proposal” with Ryan Reynolds. And I like to be her, too, as Leigh Anne in the “Blind Side”!

Tell us a fact about yourself?
I am married and I have a daughter. I’m the eldest in our family (although — between you and me — I think I look younger than my sister).

What’s your favorite game(s) growing up?
Jackstone, skipping rope, hide-and-seek and Boggle.

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
No work-related phone calls and text messages. No TV, radio, or computer. Just complete silence.

What is one thing people would be interested to know about you?
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was in bed for seven months, so I had to stop working. Everyday was a struggle since I was “completely stuck” in my bed. But with God’s grace, my labor and delivery were wonderfully peaceful. God is so good!

What song best describes the YOU and the life you have now? 
I am just very, very thankful for what God has done in my life. I’m alive because of Him. I couldn’t ask for more. So my life’s song is “All Because of Jesus”, and I’m sharing the lyrics…

ImageGiver of every breath I breathe
Author of all eternity

Giver of every perfect thing
To You be the glory

Maker of heaven and of earth
No one can comprehend Your worth
King over all the universe
To You be the glory

I’m alive because I’m alive in You

It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
That covers me and raised this dead man’s life
It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive

Every sunrise sings Your praise
The Universe cries out Your praise
I’m singing freedom all my days
Now that I’m alive

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
Whisper to God, “thank you for this life, this new day… Bless this day.”

What’s your idea of a family?
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with our family.”