Mr. Gerry E. Mascardo

Mr. Gerry E. Mascardo

A man with a sense of humor and a ready smile who is always on the go for service is Mr. Gerry E. Mascardo, one of the men of the Instructional Media and Technology Center (IMTC).


Gerry was born on January 9, 1976 in Dumaguete City. He is married to  Novelyn C. Mascardo with whom he has a ten-year-old son, Vhon Dave.

While he comes from another school, he considers himself a Sillimanian. Gerry graduated from the radio communication program of the Ogabang Institute of Technology in 1995.  After graduation, he took and passed the General Radio Communication exams administered by the National Telecommunications Commission. 

He joined Silliman after the board exam, admitted as a sound system operator at the then Multimedia Center, now IMTC. He was later promoted as Stock Custodian. This year, he celebrates his 17th year in Silliman. 

“I really love my work. I enjoy interacting with people, and I make sure that I am able to provide our clients with the best service available,” he shares.

A committed family man who took care of his son on his own when his wife was abroad, Gerry continues to work hard to eventually put up his own business, improve their house and buy a car for his family.

Let’s get to know Gerry more:

Describe yourself in three words.
Hospitable. Approachable. Amusing

What is your mantra in life?
“In spite of your problems, always maintain a positive outlook in life.”

What makes you laugh/cry?
I giggle when I figure in fun conversations. Sentimental stories make me cry.

What’s your favorite time/day of the week and why?
Sunday, especially at 6:30 in the morning — that is when my family and I spend time in the church and reflect on the Lord's blessings on us.

What do you love doing when not working?
Visiting places. I also love sea diving with my beautiful wife at night — our latest was in Bongao, Tawi – Tawi.

ImageWhat is your favorite hangout place in the University?
Actually, there are two places I love to hangout in: IMTC office where I placed my dedication; second is the kiosk during break time because that is when I exchange conversations with my workmates over snacks.

What makes you blush?
Whenever I am the center of attention, especially during meetings.

If you were an actor/actress, who would you be?
great Anthony Hopkins.

Tell us a fact about yourself?
I’m just a simple man who is willing to help others in need. My family is my number one priority.

What’s your favorite game growing up?

What is your idea of a relaxing day?
Visiting places that showcase nature. The view of nature is soothing and relaxing.

What one thing would people be interested to know about you?
way I communicate with people, how I can easily establish rapport with different personalities.

ImageWhat song best describes the YOU and the life you have now?
“Me and You”.

What is the first thing you do right after waking up in the morning?
I prepare meals for my family. During Sundays, I play Christian songs.

What’s your idea of a family?
Sharing everything with each other is my idea of a family. Sharing is important because that's how you show love, whether you are in a happy or sad situation.

(NOTE: “Colleague of the Week'” serves as a window into the life of the faculty and staff members of Silliman University. It seeks to showcase colleagues from different departments and units, and present them as “the” faces that form part of the foundation of Silliman. Featured weekly are faculty and staff who have committed themselves to providing members of the Silliman community a campus experience that cultivates competence, character and faith within one and all. We get to know them as people who like any of us also have their fair share of challenges, successes, and an inspiring story to tell. Not all of them may be popular, but not a single one of them lives a life without hope and meaning to share.)