UEM General Secretary is Divinity School Visiting Professor
The General Secretary of the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) is a visiting professor at the Divinity School for two weeks.
Rev. Dr. Fidon R. Mwombeki spends most of his time on campus handling lectures to senior and graduate students majoring in Mission Studies, his area of specialization. His lectures revolve around the Biblical foundations of mission and the purpose behind the sharing about teachings of Jesus Christ.
Silliman offers a Master of Theology Major in Mission Studies. This was developed in partnership with UEM, a communion of 35 churches across Asia, Africa and Germany. The University has been hosting into the program UEM scholars from Asia and Africa.
On August 5, Dr. Mwombeki speaks on “Mission and Development” to the University community at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium. His talk is under the General Integrative Learning Series program of Silliman which brings to the campus intellectuals to discuss topics covering different disciplines.
Another speaking engagement is scheduled for Dr. Mwonmbeki on August 21. Before he departs, he addresses a group of pastors in a symposium, focusing on the role of Filipinos and other Asians in mission work in Europe.
Dr. Mwombeki, who visits Silliman on his fourth time, speaks Ruhaya, Swahili, English and German. He holds a Master of Sacred Theology from the Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and a Doctor of Theology major in Scripture from the Lutheran Theological College in Tanzania.
(Photo credit: Click)