NEW: Invitation to Bid for Lease of Portal East Building

The core value of institutional advancement is to create a “friend-raising culture” that embodies the principles and ideals of Silliman University as a Christian institution of higher learning. It is our belief that by establishing a “friend-raising culture,” where we encourage friends, patrons, alumni and other individuals who are in some way connected to Silliman and who would wish to share their blessings to the University through its diverse programs, we can maximize the potential of improving the University’s programs and facilities in a positive sense.  In this way also, we can create and build lasting relationships with our students, staff, faculty, alumni, community, and other constituencies by dissuading from the usual culture of simply just raising funds in the forms of cash or property. Consequently, such relationships will provide an environment that will nurture faith and advocacy to the mission, vision, and goals of the University.


The following institutional advancement principles outline the University’s framework and guidelines of all activities or engagement undertaken by private individuals, alumni, corporations, foundations, government, and non-government groups or organizations.

  • The University recognizes the importance of good relations with its students, staff, faculty, community, and other constituencies and considers them as invaluable assets.The University understands its sectarian identity as a Christian institution and its guiding principles of “Via, Veritas, Vita” as the foundation of all advancement programs.
  • The University aims to pursue advancement opportunities that are consistent with its mission, vision, and goals.
  • The University understands that there are possible financial gains in some advancement opportunities and therefore require a high sense of accountability and transparency.
  • The University upholds all ethical considerations in all its relations and activities with alumni and friends. All sectors are thus enjoined to be guided by the ethical responsibilities in their activities in seeking support or assistance for the University and its educational or co-curricular programs.
  • The University recognizes its inherent ability to refuse any offer of support that would put at risk the financial, legal or moral integrity of the University or adversely impact the University’s standing and reputation in the community.
  • The University aspires to maintain high standards of stewardships with all advancement partners and friends.The following institutional advancement principles outline the University’s framework and guidelines of all activities or engagement undertaken by private individuals, alumni, corporations, foundations, government, and non-government groups or organizations.


The Institutional Advancement Program of the University seeks to promote and build understanding, lasting relationships, and inspired philanthropic support and other opportunities that will strengthen the vision, mission, and goals (VMGs) of the University as a leading Christian institution of learning.


  1. All sectors are encouraged to support the institutional advancement culture of the University. Any advancement opportunity must be reported to and coordinated by Office of the Vice President for Development (OVPD), operating within the Office of the President for documentation, recording, and acknowledgement.
  2. Students, student groups, staff, faculty, and alumni that do not have the information or capacity to engage external entities are encouraged to seek assistance from the OVPD so that it can be facilitated properly.
  3. University-approved advancement campaigns must be coordinated properly to authorized offices.
    • Tree of Life Campaign (TOL) – Office of the Vice President for Development
      3rd Floor, Leopoldo Ruiz Hall, Silliman University
      Tel. No. 422-6002 local 224
      Email: [email protected]
    • United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
      Attn.: Trudy Loo
      475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1221
      New York, NY 10115
    • Development and Alumni Support – SU Alumni Affairs
      1st Floor, Alumni Hall, Silliman University
      Tel. No. 422-6002 local 230
    • Office of the Vice President for Development
      3rd Floor, Leopoldo Ruiz Hall, Silliman University
      Tel. No. 422-6002 local 224
      Email: [email protected]
  4. Any institutional advancement-related activities undertaken by the students, faculty, staff, departments, colleges, and alumni using the name of the University must have a completed Support-Raising Form from the Office of the Vice President for Development located at 3rd Floor, Leopoldo Ruiz Hall. The application for support-raising must be submitted at least twenty (20) school days before the activity.
  5. Opportunities for institutional advancement are open to all sectors in the University. There are activities that need financial support from other sectors outside the academic community through solicitations and sponsorships. In this regard, students, faculty, staff, departments, colleges, and alumni using the name and resources of the University must comply the following requirements:Students and Student Groups or Organizations

    • Students and student groups or organizations are required to secure a support-raising permit from the Office of Student Affairs (OSA).
    • Endorsements from the Dean of Students and the Vice President for Development are mandatory prior to the approval of the activity.
    • Final approval of the activity shall be made by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs (VPAA).
    • Upon approval, the Vice President for Development shall accordingly inform the Office of Information and Publication, Office of the Alumni Affairs, Vice President for Finance and Administration and the University President.

    Academic units’ support-raising activities must be endorsed by their respective Department Chair and College Dean.

    • The VPAA shall recommend the activity for approval to the University President.
    • Final approval of the activity shall be made by the University President.
    • Upon approval, the Vice President for Development shall accordingly inform the Office of Information and Publication, Office of the Alumni Affairs, Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

    Other Units and Groups

    • Units and other groups that use or intend to use the name or identity of the University for any support-raising activity must be endorsed by the sponsoring office, school or, college.
    • The VPAA shall recommend the activity for approval to the University President. Activities involving alumni shall be coordinated and endorsed by the Alumni Chapter and SU Alumni Affairs and the Office of the Vice President for Development.
    • Final approval of the activity shall be made by the University President.
    • Upon approval, the Vice President for Development shall accordingly inform the Office of Information and Publication, Office of the Alumni Affairs, Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Advancement activities of students and student groups or organizations, and academic units involving cash must be deposited in no more than three (3) school days to Utzurrum Business and Finance (BF) Center so that an official receipt can be issued. All requests related to the activity must be made and arranged with the Utzurrum BF Center as well as the liquidation of expenses.
  • Advancement activities which include donations, gifts, solicitations, and sponsorship either in cash or in kind must be approved by the University President (BOT Action No. 1993-015, February 13, 1993).
  • For major support-raising campaigns, gifts, donations, and sponsorships the following are required from the applicant or sponsoring group or unit prior to the approval of the activity:
    • The name of the group, unit, department or college and the names of the individuals involved or associated with the activity.
    • The name or names of the prospective donor/s or sponsor/s.
    • The background information, draft proposal, and other related materials.
    • Outlines of the possible benefits, sponsorship and marketing proposals, and other information related to the activity.
    • Recognition criteria and requirements so that appropriate arrangement shall be done in existing University Offices and Committees.
    • Specific schedules and timetable of the activity.
  • All advancement campaign, gifts, donations, and sponsorships must be received or accepted by the University President (BOT Action No. 1988-048, August 26, 1988 and BOT Action no. 2008-055, July 5, 2008) on behalf of the University and the Board of Trustees (BOT), and duly recorded and receipted by the VPFA. They shall also be recorded by the IAO and Alumni Affairs Office.
  • All advancement campaign, gifts, donations in any form must be deposited or received by the University and reported to the Institutional Advancement Office for proper recording (including the facilitation of the issuance of receipts from the BF Office), and recognition or acknowledgement.
  • Stewardship is an important component in any donor-beneficiary relationship. All sectors are encouraged to regularly update the IAO so that donor stewardship and management are maintained in a highest possible standard.


Office of the Vice President for Development
3rd Floor, Leopoldo Ruiz Hall, Silliman University
Tel. No. 422-6002 local 224
Email: [email protected]

In connection with its development plans for institutional advancement and enhancing relevance and reach, Silliman University is open to discussions in engaging our alumni and friends to collaborate with Silliman on mutually beneficial undertakings. We welcome proposals from individuals and organizations who would want to invest to meet certain needs of the University in the form of partnerships, joint ventures and build-operate-transfer arrangements, among others. Needs may include dormitories, laboratories, equipment, convention centers, and other amenities that support academic learning and knowledge exchange in Silliman, and which will enhance its capacities for whole person education.

Each joint venture, partnership or build-operate-transfer project to be undertaken shall be presented to the Board of Trustee for its approval

Among the University’s priority development thrusts are to utilize its existing idle resources (i.e. land) to further improve the learning experience of its growing student population and address unfolding educational reforms, and to maximize revenues from investments to build up its scholarship fund in order to widen opportunities to study in Silliman for those who are academically qualified but financially having difficulties doing so. Endowments for chairs and faculty/staff fellowships continue to be welcomed as well.


Building up Silliman from an Institute to becoming a University, has been journey of faith: planting the seeds, and securing a dream of a bright future ahead.

Today, we invite our alumni and friends to take the continuing journey with us in our shared belief of the mission, vision, and values of the University. It is a journey of investment opportunities that creates an environment of unique campus experience, innovative research and inspiring teaching, within and across disciplines, and ultimately secures Silliman?s future.

Join with us in these exciting projects:


An area of 362.40 sqm. along the National Highway, beside 7-Eleven, North Road National Highway, is available for lease. The space along the National Highway is designated for store spaces for food and services or may be used for office spaces or other commercial activities.


A New Dormitory for Women is desired to offers modern, safe and state of the art facilities and amenities for women students, faculty and staff.  The dormitory will offer rooms for single and double occupancy and feature common and private baths and toilets. Its design will also include a common dining and lounging area for residents and visitors.

The proposed site is located inside the main campus, near the Silliman University Gymnasium and the Vernon and Pulido Halls. The rectangular shaped property is approximately 1,000 square meters and is within the residential zone of the campus..

Dormitory activities are integral part of the curricular and co-curricular experience of our students. As such, student activities within the dormitory shall be administered and supervised by the Office of Student Services.


International Dormitory Complex

The International Dormitory Complex is desired and envisioned to be composed of 24 housing units each having 52 square meter floor area with 2 bedrooms and 1 comfort room.  The complex will include a mini park, parking areas, and other amenities.  This would be ideal for international students and faculty or staff including Filipinos who wish for a campus environment that offers privacy and bigger living quarters.

This will be located beside Silliman Village, Piapi, Dumaguete City. The property is approximately 6,893 square meters.

The location is outside the Silliman University main campus and it is easily accessible by public transportation.

Two Storey Duplex Residential Housing

The Two Storey Duplex Residential Housing project includes the construction of 4 units of 2 storey duplex housing facility with a total floor area of about 57 square meters (2 bedrooms and 1 comfort room).  The units will be made available to faculty, students and alumni professionals for rent.

It shall be located in Silliman Park, Bantayan, Dumaguete City. It is approximately   1,196 square meters.

Silliman Park is located outside the Silliman main campus, (about 10 minutes ride) and is easily accessible by public transportation.


Construction of Portal East Building

The Portal East building project has been before envisioned to be part of the “Twin Portal Building Project in 2007” and will complement the present Silliman University Portal West building.

The site is located along Silliman Avenue beside the University House. The area is approximately 1,000 square meters.  Investors may put up a commercial building consistent with the Portal West architectural design.  The ground floor may be designated for store spaces for food and service franchises, while the upper floors may be used for office spaces or other commercial activities. The building is also suitable for a mid-size business process outsourcing companies.


Laboratories for Commercial Testing

The Commercial Laboratories project aims to attract providers of laboratory services.  These laboratories may be constructed in the main campus or may be attached to existing academic facilities that allow the potential investors to earn a return of their investment in equipment and at the same time give the faculty and students the opportunity to use the laboratory facilities for instructional exercises, and research under the supervision and mentorship of experienced professionals.


Food Services

The project offers spaces in the University for rent to food concessionaires who can offer safe and affordable quality food to faculty, staff, and students of the University, subject to supervision and sanitation prescriptions by the University and existing laws and ordinances of the City of Dumaguete.

Parking Building

The project is desired to be part of the strategic facility and infrastructure plan of the University to meet the growing needs of the students, faculty, and staff for campus parking and services. The sites are located near Flores Avenue, and the new Medical School Building, Vernon and Pulido Halls.   A multi-storey infrastructure may be ideal for these proposed parking facilities.


Modes of Collaboration/Partnership

Build-Operate-Transfer. The investor leases the land for a fixed term of about 15 years, and builds a structure on the land. At the end of the lease term, the ownership of the structure reverts to the University, or a new lease agreement may be negotiated. The agreement also provides for an annual rental fee with escalation for succeeding years.

Lease. Certain spaces in the University may be leased out to lessees for a fixed term.  The costs of renovation or the cost/s to get the space ready for us is borne by the lessee.

Fixed Income Arrangement. Competitive interest is paid to an investor for an amount invested in projects of the University over a specified term. The amounts invested may or may not be designated for a particular project (i.e. for a specific project A or placed in a general fund for various projects of the University) that may be for educational or commercial purposes.

Joint Venture. The investor and the University enter into a partnership arrangement, where each partner contributes assets towards project.  Usually, the University counterpart or equity is in the form of land or buildings, while the other partners contribute equipment, technical and marketing expertise.  Income from the project is shared based on a mutu*]}*al agreement.

Rates can be negotiated based on the total cost of the project, term, or projected revenue stream.

Other considerations for investments:

1. Comply with the requirements/guidelines of the National Historical Institute (NHI).

  • Applies only to the commercial or business projects within the designated University commercial zone.
  • Implements site/landscape improvement work and established color schemes that are consistent to the architectural landscape of the University.
  • Implements the NHl-approved architectural design schemes for the proposed project/s and observe reduction of commercial signages, billboards, posters, advertisements, both in quantity and size, that maintain a balanced overall historical character of the university setting.
  • Secures all the necessary permits/clearances and other requirements, including appropriate Building Permit from the local government and Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

2. Comply with the prohibition of sale of alcoholic drinks and beverages.

3. Strictly Observe “No smoking” policy.

4. Policies, rules and regulations consistent with the University

5. Benefits and privileges of the University guests, visitors, alumni and students


Interested parties are encouraged to submit their proposals or inquiries to:

Vice President for Development
3/F LT Ruiz Administration Hall
Silliman University
Dumaguete City, Philippines
Phone Number: (6335) 422-6002 local 320
E-mail: [email protected]

Procurement for the construction of a 2-storey Art Gallery is now open for bids. The said facility, which has a building footprint of 456.76, is located at the old archery range fronting the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium. It is designed with an open floor plan, a skylight roof and a courtyard

Interested contractors are invited to prequalify to participate in any bidding activity of the University starting with the Art Gallery. For specific details, contact the Office of the Vice President for Development at (035) 422 6002 local 223 or 224 or email [email protected].

The Art Gallery is part of the University’s thrust of improving critical facilities to support its academic vision of building competence, character and faith.


Who can solicit?

  • Accredited Course-Related Organizations (Unit-Related Organizations; Year Level Organizations)
  • Others who are similarly situated
  • Regional Organizations
  • The University Church and its related organizations
  • Administration 

The process

A proposal by the group signed by its president or equivalent, to solicit donations or raise funds through special events such as performances and dinners shall be submitted to the University President for approval. Solicitations by units under the Academic Division must have the endorsement of the Adviser; Department Head; DEAN; OSA and VPAA. Those in the non-academic division will be endorsed by the head of the unit and the VPFA. In the case of the University Church and its organizations, the University Pastor signs the endorsement. Solicitations which are endorsed either by the VPAA, VPFA or the University Pastor shall be forwarded to the President for appropriate action. 

Purpose and Date

The Fund Raising Activity must state its purpose and duration; the target market (addressee) and area (coverage of the solicitation).

Fill up the University Solicitation/Sponsorship Permit. 

Reporting Requirements

1) Deposit intact daily or on the next business day all collections at the SU Business and Finance Office.

2) Donations should be acknowledged promptly. 

Use of Facility or Venue

1) Any activity which will require the use of a University facility or venue such as the Assembly Hall; Amphitheater, Multi-purpose Room/Hall, or Gym needs a requisition and a contract if it is the Luce Auditorium.

2) The University Cafeteria has the right of First Refusal for Caterings on the campus.

Download Solicitation Form here


Silliman University is inviting interested contractors to be accredited with the University. Contractors’ accreditation is conducted yearly to ensure that only qualified contractors can participate in all construction and engineering works of the University.

Contractors that are interested to be accredited for the first time are required to submit the following accreditation documents:

  • COMPANY PROFILE: Background and History; Brief Description; Vision, Mission and Goal/s; Registration Documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission to include the latest General Information Sheet; List of Seminars attended by Personnel and/or Conducted by the Construction Firm; List of Services; List of Equipment; List of Products; Organizational Structure with names of Engineers and their PRC Numbers; Technical Staff and other Skilled Personnel; List of Professionals; List of Served Clients; List of On-going Projects; List of Completed Projects since 2016
  • PERMITS/LICENSES: Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Registration; Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) License; Mayor’s Permit for the Year; Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Certificate of Registration; BIR Tax Clearance
  • FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Annual Income Tax Return for the Past 3 Years; Independent Auditor’s Report for the year’s ended December 31, 2015; List of Principal Owners, Board of Directors and Senior Management; List of Affiliated and Associated Companies, if Applicable; List of Banks with whom your company has transaction with
  • POLICIES: Policies on Quality Control and Health and Safety
  • DISCLAIMER: Notarized Statement of Personal Affiliation or Non-Affiliation with Officers and Board Members of Silliman University

Accreditation documents should be addressed and sent to:

Vice President for Development
Office of the Vice President for Development
3rd Floor Development Division, Leopoldo T. Ruiz Administration Building
Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City 6200, Negros Oriental, Philippines

In the pipeline are construction projects for a 5-storey Alumni Hall Building, a 31-classroom academic building inside the SU Main Campus and the renovation of the SU Main Library.