ADVISORY NO. 13: Operations to Continue with Skeletal Force
- Signing of clearances are suspended until further notice. Settlement of student obligations may be done through the different banks listed here. https://su.edu.ph/costs/payment/
- Faculty members may opt not to report unless otherwise directed by the Dean. Computation and submission of grades may be done remotely. This will be left to the concerned academic unit on how it will be implemented.
- Should the faculty need to meet (such as grade conferences, deliberations, etc.), the unit is directed to observe all precautionary measures, including social distancing and proper cough and hand hygiene.
- Essential offices will continue to operate but shall do so on a skeletal and/or rotational basis. This is to give ample room for social distancing (at least two meters). Other tasks may be done remotely at the discretion of the unit head. In line with this, the following offices and units shall continue to operate:
- President’s Office
- Offices of the Vice Presidents (VPAA, VPFA, VPD)
- Business and Finance
- Human Resource Development Office
- University Clinic
- Buildings and Grounds
- Public Assistance and Security Office
- Office of Information and Publications
- Office of Student Services
- Food Services Department (for dormitory residents)
- Registrar and Admissions Office
- Silliman University Church
- Management Information Systems (MIS) Department
- Other units may continue to open at the discretion of their office head following the precautionary measures mentioned in previous advisories.
- All unit heads shall closely monitor their respective personnel in order to determine the appropriate resources and support they need to ensure the efficient delivery of services.