Alumni Update April 25 – May 1, 2022
Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee (OSA), Dr. Evangeline Bravo-Manjares, was recently the guest speaker of the Silliman University Office of Student Services (SU-OSS), in celebration of Student Services Month. In the spirit of collaboration, SU-OSS had teamed up with the Philippine Association of Practitioners of Student Affairs and Services (PAPSAS), Inc. Region 7, for this webinar for student affairs and services practitioners in the Visayas. Dr. Manjares spoke on the topic, “Student Affairs and Services: Challenges Within and Beyond the Global Health Crisis”, last April 26, 2022.
Dr. Manjares has over 35 years of progressive managerial, administrative, academic, and student development services experience in higher education both in a public institution and private institutions. She had worked at Columbia University in the city of New York, Malcolm-King College, an extension of Fordham University, College of Mt. St. Vincent, and Marymount Manhattan College and Nassau Community College. Her student services work encompasses, financial aid, psychological counseling, academic counseling, disabled students, academic advisement, student activities, veterans, service learning, job placement, volunteer services, and other related student services.
As the Dean for Student Services, she believes that it has supplemented and complimented her life’s goals. These are areas that she sincerely loves to do. It is her philosophy that non-classroom activities are as important as classroom activities. The impact of student services makes a difference in the students’ success. Acknowledging her true commitment in her work with students and colleagues through thank you notes are humbling and fulfilling. She considers them priceless impact in her duties and personal responsibilities among students, the university, and the community.
Dr. Manjares completed her AB Sociology at Silliman, pursued a Master’s degree in Social Work at the Philippine School of Social Work, Master in Student Personnel Administration from Columbia University in the city of New York, and her Ed.D. in Higher Education from Nova Southeastern University in Florida.
Dr. Manjares was recognized as an Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee in 2010 in the field of Community Service. She is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of Silliman University and National Chair of the Silliman University Alumni Association of North America. Her formative years were spent in Midsayap, Cotabato. Her family resides in New York but is looking forward to visiting Dumaguete every year.