Alumni Update October 5 – 11, 2020

Alumni Update October 5 – 11, 2020

A 3-Part Interactive Webinar Series: Coping With The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Chesapeake Bay Silliman Alumni, Inc. (CBSA) hosts a three-part interactive webinar series, Filipino Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, on October 16, October 30, and November 13, with Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee, Rev. Dr. Al B. Fuertes as guest resource person. Dr. Fuertes is an associate professor at George Mason University and an expert on community-based trauma healing. CBSA would like to extend this invitation to the rest of the alumni and Silliman community.

The seminar series will be held on three Fridays, October 16, October 30, and November 13, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (US Eastern Standard Time). In the Philippines, that will be 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays.

Rev. Dr. Al B. Fuertes

Here is the schedule and the Zoom links:

Friday, October 16 (8:00 to 9:30 p.m. US EST): Our Journey to Today’s Persistent COVID-19 Anxiety

Friday, October 30 (8:00 to 9:30 p.m. US EST): Keeping a Sound Mind and Body During this Pandemic

Friday, November 13 (8:00 to 9:30 p.m. US EST): Resilience During a Pandemic

For copies of the presentation and seminar materials, please email us at

Many of us are experiencing stress and trauma during this pandemic. We hope that with this Bayanihan project, we will survive and thrive despite the pandemic.

(CBSA press release)

SIMM Inducts New Directors and Officers

With a promise to make the biggest alumni chapter more inclusive and inter-generational, the Sillimanians in Metro Manila (SIMM) inducted its new set of officers and directors via Zoom last September 25, 2020, with Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. (SAAI), President Judge Jenny Lind A. Delorino as Inducting Officer (in place of Commissioner Rowena “Bing” Guanzon who had to attend to her father).

The program featured special musical numbers from John Ray Pagalan, Andy Bais, and Katrina Saga. Pre-recorded video messages from Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee (OSA), Edna C. Mijares, Silliman University President, Betty Cernol McCann, SU Board of Trustee Chairman, Ricardo A. Balbido, Jr., and DEP-Ed Secretary Leonor M. Briones surely inspired the new servant leaders.  A number of OSAs, members of the BOT, and chapter presidents also attended to show their support.

The new SIMM Board is led by former President Ed Dames, who reminded those who attended that “more than the funds we can raise and donate, the real value we offer is the knowledge and networks we have accumulated since we left the halls of Silliman. This is what we offer to our beloved Alma Mater.”

Each of the Directors is assigned to a specific initiative based on her/his expertise and personal advocacy.

The rest of the SIMM Officers and Directors are Dr. Jenny Lind Elmaco (Vice President), Atty. Eric Joven (Secretary), Leny Tomas (Treasurer), Dawnie Ray Maputi (Auditor), Crystal Eunice Dela Cruz (PRO), Rev. Callum Tabada, Mendy Flordeliz. Atty. Grace Sumalpong (Adviser); Atty. KC Siao (Legal Counsel).

(SIMM press release)