Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The Silliman Journal, an interdisciplinary peer-refereed academic journal of Silliman University, is now accepting manuscripts for its 2022 issues.
  1. Manuscripts should be formatted using the conventions prescribed by APA, 7th edition.
  2. Tables, illustrations, pictures, and figures will be accepted only when necessary. Tables must not exceed five in number.
  3. All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words and keywords of not more than 10 words.
  4. All submitted manuscripts must use gender-fair language.
  5. All articles must have been edited before submission.
  6. All submitted manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words in length, excluding references, tables, and figures.
  7. Submissions must be electronically mailed as .rtf attachments. Submit them to
  8. All articles submitted will be peer reviewed, so do not write your name/s in the manuscript. Any submission must, however, have a separate cover letter that identifies the author/s and their intent to publish in the journal and certifies that the submission has not been previously published.
Aside from full-length articles, the journal also accepts book reviews and review articles.
Deadline for submission is on January 31, 2022.