

Five Sillimanians Bag 17 Medals in World Performing Arts Championship

Five Sillimanians bagged a total of three gold, nine silver and five bronze medals during the 22 World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) competition held July 8 to 13 in Long Beach, California. Physical Education Asst. Prof. Manolito Saldivar was named Division Champion of the World in Opera, Division Champion of the World in Latin, […]

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A/S Dean Wraps Up United Board Fellowship at Leadership Seminar

College of Arts and Sciences Dean Dr. Mae Brigitt Bernadel L. Villordon attended a five-day leadership seminar designed for fellows of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia held late last month at the Ateneo de Manila University. Dr. Villordon was a United Board fellow for 2017-2018. Her participation in the seminar on […]

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CBA Hosts 1st PH Artificial Intelligence Caravan

The College of Business and Administration, together with the Asian Institute of Artificial Intelligence (AI2), hosted the 1st Philippine Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Caravan on July 9 at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium. Invited speakers for the event were East West Educational Specialists President/CEO Mr. Dennis M. Layug who spoke on  “Emerging Technologies […]

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28 Elementary Pupils Receive Academic Honors

  A total of 15 fifth and sixth graders were awarded the highest distinction of School Honors, while 13 received Class Honors during the 16th Honors and Recognition Day Convocation of the Elementary Department held July 16 at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium. Academic honors are given to students with high marks, with no […]

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Alumni Updates (July 9-15)

Silliman alumnus and U.S. State Department diplomat Mr. Fausto P. De Guzman made a courtesy visit to Silliman University President Dr. Betty Cernol McCann on July 12, 2018 at the University House. Fausto, who has been assigned to different U.S. Embassy posts in Asia as a consultant, earned his BS Psychology degree from Silliman in […]


#CleanSeas Pilipinas Launched in Silliman

Silliman University hosted the launch in the Visayas of #CleanSeas Pilipinas last July 6 at the Ravello Ball Field. #CleanSeas Pilipinas is a campaign against the mounting problem of marine litter and targets active awareness on the danger caused by plastics, particularly in Philippine seas. The Philippines ranks third among countries that contribute to half […]


Now Available: Book on Silliman by Former President Dr. Malayang

More copies of “A View of Silliman from Camp Lookout”, a book by former Silliman University President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III, are now available. All copies during its first release in March were sold out. Dr. Malayang, who concluded his 12-year term as President last May, said that his reflections in the book were […]

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Four Students Off to Japan, France on Exchange Scholarship

Four students are bound for a year-long student exchange program at different universities in Japan and France. Junior students Michelle K. Andres (Economics), Gyldon G. Ramos (Management) and Alberto Antonio P. De Castro (Entrepreneurship) are headed to Japan late this year. Andres and Ramos will be studying at Shikoku Gakuin University from October 2018 to […]

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16 Pass Agriculturist Licensure Exam

Sixteen graduates of the College of Agriculture passed the 2018 Agriculturist Licensure Examination administered June 24, 25 and 26. Silliman garnered a passing rate of 80 per cent, higher than the national passing average of 38.14 per cent. Congratulations to our new licensed agriculturists! Alama, Oliver Ceasar G. Cabronero, Kyle L. Carin, Nicole Ness Jecca […]

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Dr. McCann: ‘Let Us Take Action on Our Environmental Agenda’

Silliman President Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann was the keynote speaker of the well-attended “Environment Forum: Our Awareness, Our Accountability” organized last month by the Friends of the Environment in Negros Oriental. Click to see video posted under President’s Corner: FENor Keynote Speech  (Cover photo from Esther Windler.) 

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