Alumni Updates (March 5-11)
The Silliman University Alumni and Friends (SUAF) of San Diego celebrated its 25th Anniversary on February 25, 2018 at The Royal Banquet, Miramar Road, in San Diego. It was a well-attended gathering with 150 members and friends in attendance. Also present during the alumni gathering were friends from Silliman University Alumni Association of Southern California […]
British Ambassador Tours Museum with World’s 2nd Largest Brydes’ Whale Bone Collection
British Ambassador Daniel Pruce visited the Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences (IEMS) located at the Angel C. Alcala Marine Laboratories on March 5. His quick tour of the facility came after his talk under the annual Eminent Person Lecture program at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium. It was also at the Luce where […]
20 Complete Cookery NC II Certificate Course
The School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education (SITE) graduated on March 6 a new batch of 20 students who completed a total of 316 hours in the certificate course of Cookery – National Certificate II. Gracing the graduation as speaker was Dr. Floro T. Ringca, Provincial Director of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority […]
Debate Society Organizes Parliamentary Debate Training for Dumaguete Schools
Junior and senior high students from both private and public schools in Dumaguete underwent training in parliamentary debating organized late last month by the Silliman University Debate Society (SUDS). SUDS flew in Ignacio Villareal, one of the celebrated debaters of the Ateneo Debate Society of the Ateneo De Manila University. Villareal has competed and won […]
UK Ambassador to Give Talk at Luce
His Excellency Daniel Robert Pruce, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Philippines, is set to visit Silliman University on March 5. Two of his major engagements are the launching of the exhibit on the Transnational Education (TNE) Program of the British Council and an Eminent Person Lecture, both at the Claire Isabel McGill […]
Francis Parker School Visits Silliman Anew for Service-Learning
A new batch of 18 students from Francis Parker School (FPS) of San Diego, California visits Silliman University for service-learning from March 4 to 16. FPS comes to Silliman annually under its Global Studies Program. This year’s batch is composed of Sophie Rogers, Briana Sanchez, Giselle Alota, Navya Dhir, Lara Wellis, Olivia Thorson, Hannah Blood, […]
Psychology Junior is New Student Government President
A Psychology junior and an Accountancy junior won as president and vice president in the recently concluded Silliman University Student Government elections. Daryl Robinson, who is one of the University’s international students form the United States, was declared SG president for the upcoming school year, 2018-2019. He ran under the banner of the Students’ Union […]
96 Scholarships Up for Grabs for 4 Certificate Courses
The School of Agro-Industrial and Technical Education (SAITE), in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, is offering a total of 96 scholarships. Scholarships are available for the following programs Cookery NCII – 25 slots Bread and Pastry NCII – 25 slots Contact Center Services NCII – 24 slots Programming-JAVA – 22 slots […]
Alumni Updates (February 26 – March 4)
Fifty-seven participants coming from 25 alumni chapters in the country and abroad, attended the three-day Alumni Summit held February 16-18, 2018 at the Silliman University Conference Center, Guy Hall. The summit, initiated by the 50-year-old Silliman Alumni Association Inc. (SAAI), revisited the association’s vision, mission, and goals, by-laws, handbook on chapters, and its institutionalized activities […]
AIJC Study Pushes for Course in Journalists’ Safety in Schools
Natural disasters, terrorism, epidemics, murder, harassment, cyber attacks—these are risks faced by journalists in the line of duty, and yet they receive little or no training in safety and protection, according to a current survey on journalism education by the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) in Manila. AIJC surveyed 19 schools with confirmed […]