

Ninth Grader is SEA Games Qualifier in Archery

Nicole Marie D. Tagle of the Silliman University Junior High School (SUJHS) is the number one Olympic qualifier in Archery, according to World Archery Philippines (WAP) secretary-general Dondon Sombrio. WAP oversaw the Philippine Archery Cup Leg 1 at the Freedom Park Grounds in Dumaguete City, as it is assembling a 16-man team for the 2017 […]

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Nat’l Scientist’s Biography Launched 

“A Love Affair with Mother Nature: A Biography of National Scientist Angel Chua Alcala”, which tells the life story of Silliman’s Professor Emeritus and former President, was launched on April 20 at the Manila Elks Club, Makati City.  The biography was written by National Book of the Year Awardee Bettina Rodriguez-Olmedo and Palanca Awardee Amadis […]

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First World Oceans Report Revisited

(5th in a series) 22 scientists from around the world—including Silliman University’s Hilconida Calumpong, Ph.D.—commissioned by the UN General Assembly to form the Ad Hoc Working Group  on the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects, submitted the First World Oceans Report, which was adopted […]

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Sixth Graders Champ 1st NIR Math Challenge Finals

Sixth graders of the Silliman University Elementary Scool (SUES) bagged the first place in the 1st Negros Island Region (NIR) Regional Finals of the Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge at Kabankalan City on March 31. Carlos Miguel Angelo S. Salazar and Jev Ulric P. Torres bested 15 other divisions to clinch the championship for SUES. The Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd […]

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Silliman to Train Teachers Toward Whole Person Education

A seminar-workshop on preparing teachers toward whole person education will be held at Silliman University on May 24 to 26. The training is organized by the Early Childhood Department and the Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) of the College of Education. It is open to all school owners, administrators, trainers, preschool […]

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SU Hosts Regional CCP Arts Summer Workshop

Silliman University (SU) will host the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Arts Academy Summer Workshop “Sining sa Skwela” on May 15 to 19 at Silliman University. The five-day workshop is open to all Arts and Design Track teachers in Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School in the region.   “Sining sa Skwela” […]

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FIRST WORLD OCEANS REPORT REVISITED Theme 1: Climate change and its impact on the oceans (Fourth in a Series)

22 scientists from around the world—including Silliman University’s Hilconida Calumpong, Ph.D.—submitted to the UN General Assembly in late 2015 their report as the Ad Hoc Working Group  on the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects. We wish to  share some details (verbatim) of  the […]

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International Journal Publishes SUACKREM’s Paper on Reef-Fish Larval Dispersal Patterns

A paper entitled “Reef-fish larval dispersal patterns validate no-take marine reserve network connectivity that links human communities” by the Silliman University – Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management’s (SUACKREM) was accepted for publication in Coral Reefs, the Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies, on March 14, 2017. Rene A. Abesamis, Garry R. […]

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Philippine frogs at risk due to climate change

National Scientist Angel C. Alcala wrote that since the 1970s, frogs have been dropping dead in significant numbers around the world. These  were recorded by scientists in western United States, Puerto Rico and Western Australia in the 1970s and in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Venezuela in the 1980s. At first the events were believed to […]

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CBA Juniors Ranked 2nd in HSBC Nat’l Business Case Analysis Competition

Team Silliman won as 2nd runner-up in the HSBC National Business Analysis Competition 2017 on March 26 at the Ateneo de Manila University.  Rhea F. Castillo (BS Accountancy), Ina Gabrielle M. de la Torre (BS Business Computer Applications), Christian Clifford M. Ong (BS Entrepreneurship), and Jolina S. Sinco (BS Economics) – all in their junior year […]

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