Over 4,000 Form Human Peace Sign
A student organization of Silliman University successfully gathered 4,792 participants early this month in the hopes of breaking the current world record for the largest human peace sign formation. The Renaissance Youth Leaders Forum (RYLF) wanted a unique twist to the “Light Up for Peace”, one of the activities lined up during the University Christian […]
Artworks by Fine Arts Majors on Display at Luce, Hibbard
Celebrating its fourth year from its inception in 2009, the Department of Fine Arts of the College of Visual and Performing Arts is staging two month-long exhibits for public viewing at two of the University's cultural venues. The 4th Horace B. Silliman Art Exhibit was launched on February 13 at the Foyer of the Claire […]
San Diego School Undertakes 6-Day Service-Learning
Fourteen students from the Francis Parker School in San Diego, California completed a six-day immersion program under the Institute of Service-Learning (ISL). The 14 high school students undertook the program from February 15 to 20 as part of their school's Global Studies initiative. Divided into groups, they were assigned to five ISL partner agencies in […]
Call for Papers for ‘The Educator’
The Educator, the research journal of the College of Education, is now accepting research-based articles on education, exemplary classroom practices and essays on education from faculty and graduate students. Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 April 2013 (Tuesday). Late submissions will be considered for the next issue, Volume 7 (2014). Notice of acceptance will be […]
Guidelines for Hosting Political Candidates Released
Silliman University has released a set of guidelines governing the hosting of political candidates on campus. The guidelines reinforce the neutral stand of Silliman this coming May 2013 elections contained in a press statement issued earlier. In the same statement, the University emphasizing that it does not support any political candidate nor does it promote […]
PRESS STATEMENT: Silliman Reiterates Apolitical Stand
PRESS STATEMENTIssued: 15 February 2013 Silliman Reiterates Apolitical Stand Silliman University encourages open discussion on issues affecting the lives of Filipinos. It endeavors to present to both its internal and external constituencies a broader perspective of the nation’s social, economic and political landscapes. Towards this end, it welcomes political parties and personalities, regardless of affiliations, […]
SPAG Hosts Series of Public Fora with Local Candidates
The School of Public Affairs and Governance (SPAG), in partnership with the Justice and Peace Committee of the Silliman University Church, began its series of public fora with local political parties on February 12. Themed “Local Political Party Platforms: Convergence with Silliman's Vision of Public Action”, the series of fora provides an avenue where members […]
28 Honored for 20-Year Service; 4 for Merit on V-Day
As each of the more than 700 personnel of Silliman University received sweet treats on Valentine's Day, a total of 32 were honored on stage at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium during the Faculty and Staff Recognition Day. Fifteen faculty and 13 staff members were recognized for their services rendered to the University for […]
Regulatory Board Chair Tackles IRR of Psychology Law
The Psychology Department held a briefing on the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Psychology Law the Chairperson of the Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology of the Professional Regulation Commission as speaker, on February 12 at the Silliman Hall. Dr. Miriam P. Cue tackled the IRR of the Psychology Law, which took effect last […]
‘The Vagina Monologues’ at the Luce on Valentine’s
Showing at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium on Valentine’s Day is the play “The Vagina Monologues”. The play, organized by the Negros Oriental V-Day Group, headed by Silliman University Psychology Department’s Prof. Michele Joan Valbuena as chairperson, is the culminating event of the 15th anniversary celebration of V-Day in Dumaguete. Two other activities are […]