Memorandum: Revised General Safety Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Covid-19 Exposure and Transmission Among Students and Employees of Silliman University
as of January 21, 2022
For purposes of these guidelines, close contacts shall be understood as those belonging to the 1st generation (persons exposed to positive cases) who have engaged in any of the following activities: talking, eating, or working together with the positive case within less than 2 meters and for more than 15 minutes. They include those who have closely interacted with the positive case under the aforementioned parameters two days prior to onset of symptoms.
Only close contacts or those experiencing symptoms will be required to self-quarantine or isolate. Close contacts and those exhibiting symptoms are required to notify the following:
University Personnel:
- Their immediate head of office
- Human Resource Development Office through [email protected] and/or[email protected]
- University Clinic
- Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) of the barangay where they reside
- Their Dean/Director
- The Office of Student Services
- University Clinic
- Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) of the barangay where they reside
All individuals who are either quarantined or isolated must submit a quarantine/isolation completion certificate issued by the barangay or attending physician at the end of the quarantine or isolation period to the HRD Office by sending a scanned or photographed copy to [email protected]. The hardcopy of the certificate must also be shown upon initial entry for inspection by the triage personnel at the gates.
a.) Asymptomatic Close Contact
- Quarantine for 5 days from exposure for fully vaccinated individuals
- Quarantine for 14 days from exposure for partially or unvaccinated individuals
- Symptom monitoring up to 14 days while wearing well-fitted mask and, if symptoms develop, isolate immediately and follow isolation protocol
- Strict adherence to the Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS)
- Asymptomatic close contact who are fully vaccinated and remained without symptoms for 5 days from exposure can be reintegrated back to school or work without the need for
- Asymptomatic close contact who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and remained without symptoms for 14 days can be reintegrated back to school or work after negative test (RAT or RT- PCR).
b.) Symptomatic Close Contact
- Isolation for 7 days from the time of onset of symptoms for fully vaccinated individuals and can be tested within 3-5 days from onset of symptoms.
- Isolation for 10 days from the time of onset of symptoms for partially or unvaccinated individuals and can be tested within 3-5 days from onset of
- Symptomatic close contact who are fully vaccinated and became without symptoms after 7 days can be reintegrated back to school or work as long as he/she tested negative (RAT or RT-PCR).
- Symptomatic close contact who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and became without symptoms after 10 days can be reintegrated back to school or work as long as he/she tested RTPCR negative.
B. CONFIRMED CASES (RT-PCR Positive): Mild, Moderate, Severe, or Critical Cases
a.) Mild Cases
- Positive but asymptomatic
- Isolation for 7 days from date of test for fully vaccinated individuals
- Isolation for 10 days from date of test for partially or unvaccinated individuals
- No testing is required for reintegration of fully vaccinated individuals after their isolation period. However, the individual must continue to monitor for symptoms. There shall be no reintegration unless there has been no fever for the past 24 hours without medication and improvement of
- Asymptomatic close contact who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and became without symptoms after 10 days can be reintegrated back to school or work as long as he/she tested negative (RAT or RT-PCR).
- Positive and symptomatic (Mild Cases, Out-patient)
- Isolation for 7 days from date of test for fully vaccinated individuals
- Isolation for 10 days from date of test for unvaccinated individuals
- No testing is required for reintegration of fully vaccinated individuals after their isolation period. However, the individual must continue to monitor for symptoms. There shall be no reintegration unless there has been no fever for the past 24 hours without medication and improvement of
- Symptomatic close contact who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and became without symptoms after 10 days can be reintegrated back to school or work as long as he/she tested negative (RAT or RT-PCR).
b.) Moderate Cases (Admitted Cases, In-patient)
- Isolation for 10 days from date of test whether fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or unvaccinated but not immunocompromised individual (depending on the Attending Physician).
- No testing is required for reintegration of fully vaccinated individuals after their isolation period. However, the individual must continue to monitor for symptoms. There shall be no reintegration unless there has been no fever for the past 24 hours without medication and improvement of
- Symptomatic close contact who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and became without symptoms after 10 days can be reintegrated back to school or work as long as he/she tested negative. (RAT or RT-PCR)
c.) Severe or Critical Cases (Admitted Cases, ICU-patient)
- Isolation for 21 days from date of test whether fully vaccinated, partially, or unvaccinated, not, or immunocompromised individual (depending on the Attending Physician).
- No testing is required for reintegration of fully vaccinated individuals after their isolation period. However, the individual must continue to monitor for symptoms. There shall be no reintegration unless there has been no fever for the past 24 hours without medication and improvement of
- Symptomatic close contact who are partially or unvaccinated and became without symptoms after 21 days can be reintegrated back to school or work as long as he/she tested negative (RAT or RT-PCR).
The University maintains two isolation facilities for faculty, staff, students and campus residents. These are Davao Cottage and Channon Hall. University personnel who test positive and who opt to avail of the said facilities may contact the HRD Office. For students, they may contact the Office of Student Services. Those who transfer to Davao or Channon must notify the BHERT of the barangay they are transferring from for proper endorsement to the receiving barangay (Barangay Looc).
Only fully vaccinated individuals will be allowed entry into the campus. University personnel and residents may submit/email scanned or photographed copies of their vaccination cards to the HRD Office so that a master list can be given to the triage stations. Those whose names do not appear on the list will be required to exhibit their vaccination cards showing that they are fully vaccinated.
Those who are not fully vaccinated will be required to submit proof of a negative RT-PCR test every two weeks as a condition for entry. This requirement will take effect on the 1st day of February 2022. Those who persistently refuse to be fully vaccinated will only be allowed to attend online classes through SOUL or continue to work at home as directed by the Head of Office and/or HRD.
Those who travel outside of the province are required to observe a 5-day waiting period from date of arrival in Negros Oriental before they will be allowed entry into the campus. Faculty and staff who reside in campus and who go out of the province may be allowed entry upon their return provided they do not physically report to their offices or workplaces before the end of the 5-day waiting period. Students are required to get clearance from the University Clinic.
All previous memos that do not are not inconsistent with these revised guidelines shall remain in full force and effect.
Silliman University