About Silliman Journal

Silliman Journal (SJ) is an interdisciplinary peer refereed academic journal of Silliman University. First published in 1954 — with Founding Editor Pedro D. Dimaya, Founding Managing Editor Edith L. Tiempo, and Founding Board of Editors Dioscoro S. Rabor (Biological Sciences), J. Elliott Fisher (Social Sciences), Gerardo A. Imperial (Physical Sciences), and Edilberto K. Tiempo (Humanities) — SJ continues to commit to its mission of providing an avenue for scholarly dialogues not only among members of the Silliman academic community but also among its international readership. SJ aims to continue the dissemination of results of scholarly inquiry, to hold sacred the unique exchange between authors and readers, to endeavor to create opportunities for Silliman faculty and other scholars to engage in writing and publication and to strive to maintain excellence in academic research, scholarship and publication.


  1. The SILLIMAN JOURNAL is devoted to discussion and investigation in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, and is published by Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines. SJ publishes two issues per year, and has more than 200 journal exchanges with educational institutions, government bodies, and non-government organizations worldwide.
  2. It is indexed in the Modern Language Association (MLA) Bibliography; BIOSIS (now ZOOLOGICAL RECORDS), which publishes indexes and abstracts in Biology; ULRICH International Periodicals Directory, New Jersey, USA; the University Microfilms International, Michigan, USA; and the Index to Philippine Periodicals, among others. SJ is available in microfilm format at the University Microfilms International, Michigan, USA.
  3. The policies and practices of the SILLIMAN JOURNAL are based on formal actions of the SILLIMAN JOURNAL Editorial Board and on informal consensus and tradition.


  1. The SILLIMAN JOURNAL welcomes contributions in all fields from both Philippine and foreign scholars, but papers should preferably have some relevance to the Philippines, Asia, or the Pacific.
  2. Articles should be products of research, taken in its broadest sense; a scientific paper should make an original contribution to its field. Authors are advised to keep in mind that SILLIMAN JOURNAL has a general and international readership, and to structure their papers accordingly.
  3. The SILLIMAN JOURNAL also welcomes the submission of “Notes,” which generally are briefer and more tentative than full-length articles. Reports on work in progress, queries, updates, reports of impressions rather than research, responses to the works of others, even reminiscences are appropriate here. Book reviews and review articles will also be considered for publication.

The SILLIMAN JOURNAL may also publish official documents of Silliman University.


Warlito S. Caturay Jr., PhD, Editor
Ronelaine B. Picardal, MA, Associate Editor
Myla June T. Patron, MA, Associate Editor
Britney James L. Seraspe, Online Support


Margaret Helen U. Alvarez, PhD
Dean, University Graduate Programs

Lily Ann D. Bautista, DPT
Director, Institute of Rehabilitative Sciences

Gina F. Bonior, PhD
Dean, College of Education

Earl Jude Paul L. Cleope, PhD
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Theorose June Q. Bustillo, PhD
College of Nursing

Jose Edwin C. Cubelo, PhD
Dean, College of Agriculture

Robert G. Guino-o II, PhD
Chairperson, University Research Ethics Committee

Ferdinand M. Mangibin, PhD
Dean, School of Public Affairs and Governance

Dave E. Marcial, PhD
Director for Silliman Online University Learning

Andrea G. Soluta, PhD
Graduate Programs Coordinator, Department of English and Literature

Enrique G. Oracion, PhD
Director for Research


Allan B. I. Bernardo, PhD
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Macau, Taipa, Macau, SAR, China

Dennis Patrick McCann, PhD
Research Director, Asian Institute for International Business Ethics—Hong Kong and Rothlin International Management Consulting—Beijing

Ceres E. Pioquinto, PhD
English Lecturer, HMZ Academy/Dialogica Zug, Baar, Switzerland

Laurie H. Raymundo, PhD
Coral Ecologist, University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Mangilao, Guam, USA

Lester Edwin J. Ruiz, PhD
Director, Accreditation and Institutional Evaluation, Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada The Commission on Accrediting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Dr. Margaret Helen Udarbe-Alvarez, Chair 
Dean, University Graduate Programs
Silliman University

Please download our revised Editorial Policy and Guidelines.


The Silliman Journal, an interdisciplinary peer-refereed academic journal of Silliman University, continues to receive research manuscripts.


  1. Manuscripts should conform to the conventions of format and style exemplified in a typical issue of Silliman Journal. Whenever possible, citations should appear in the body of the paper, holding footnotes to a minimum. Documentation of sources should be discipline-based.
  1. Tables, illustrations, pictures, and figures will be accepted only when absolutely necessary. Tables must not exceed five in number. Colored pictures and illustrations may be included at the printing expense of the author(s).
  1. All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words, and keywords of not more than 10 words.
  1. All submitted manuscripts must use gender-fair language.
  1. All articles must have been edited before submission.
  1. All submitted manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words in length, excluding references, tables, and figures.
  1. Submissions must be electronically mailed as .rtf attachments.
  1. All articles submitted will be peer reviewed, so do not write your name/s in the manuscript. Any submission must, however, have a separate cover letter that identifies the author/s and their intent to publish in the journal and certifies that the submission has not been previously published.

Manuscripts must be submitted to [email protected].ph. Aside from full-length articles, the journal also accepts book reviews and review articles.


Silliman Journal welcomes submission of scholarly papers, research studies, brief reports in all fields from both Philippine and foreign scholars, but papers must have some relevance to the Philippines, Asia, or the Pacific.  All submissions are refereed.

Silliman Journal is especially receptive to the work of new authors. Articles should be products of research taken in its broadest sense and should make an original contribution to their respective fields. Authors are advised to keep in mind that Silliman Journal has a general and international readership, and to structure their papers accordingly.

Silliman Journal does not accept papers which are currently under consideration by other journals or which have been previously published elsewhere. The submission of an article implies that, if accepted, the author agrees that the paper can be published exclusively by the journal concerned.

Manuscripts of up to 20 pages, including tables and references, should conform to the conventions of format and style exemplified in a typical issue of Silliman Journal. Documentation of sources should be disciplined-based. Whenever possible, citations should appear in the body of the paper, holding footnotes to a minimum. Pictures or illustrations will be accepted only when absolutely necessary. All articles must be accompanied by an abstract and keywords and must use gender-fair language.

Silliman Journal likewise welcomes submissions of ?Notes,? which generally are briefer and more tentative than full-length articles. Reports on work-in-progress, queries, updates, reports of impressions rather than research, responses to the works of others, even reminiscences are appropriate here.

Silliman Journal also accepts for publication book reviews and review articles.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in one Microsoft Word file (including title page, figures, tables, etc. in the file), preferably in RTF (.rtf). Please send one copy of the manuscript as an e-mail attachment, with a covering message addressed to the Editor: [email protected].ph

The Editor will endeavor to acknowledge all submissions, consider them promptly, and notify the authors as soon as these have been refereed. Each author of a full-length article is entitled to one complimentary copy of the journal plus 20 off-print copies of her/his published paper. Additional copies are available by arrangement with the Editor or Business Manager before the issue goes to press.

Other inquiries regarding editorial policies and contributions may be addressed to the Business Manager at [email protected], or the Editor at [email protected].ph.