SOUL preps SUES teachers before training on online teaching

SOUL preps SUES teachers before training on online teaching

The Office of Silliman Online University Learning (SOUL) conducted an orientation with Silliman University Elementary School (SUES) teachers, May 22-23, 2020 at the Dr. Mariano Lao ICI Laboratory before their training on using SOUL as a platform for online distance teaching and learning.

Science, math, and language teachers of SU Elementary School attended the orientation led by Dr. Dave E. Marcial, SU College of Computer Studies dean and SOUL Office director, and Prof. Gina F. Bonior, College of Education associate dean.

The SOUL Office started training SU faculty in the use of SOUL as a learning management system last March.

Through the training sessions, SU aims to equip its faculty for the shift to online teaching and learning methods in S.Y. 2020-2021 while face-to-face classes are still prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

(Photos from Prof. Bonior’s Facebook account)